These scripts are meant to be used for local development.
To run the MongoDB server (launch mongod
process), execute:
cd ./mongod
docker build -t mongod -f Dockerfile .
docker run --net host -e RUN_MIGRATIONS=true mongod
If you want to stop the MongoDB server container, open a new terminal, and execute:
# First, find out the container ID:
docker ps -a | grep -i "up.*minutes"
# You should see something like the following:
# 8992940d5586 mongod "/bin/bash /data/scr…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes busy_sinoussi
# Use the container ID from above to stop and remove it:
CNTR="8992940d5586" && docker stop $CNTR && docker rm $CNTR
To run the MongoDB client (launch mongo
process), open a new terminal, and execute:
cd ./mongo
docker build -t mongo -f Dockerfile .
docker run --net host -it mongo
To view logs, you need to connect to the running mongod
container, and inspect the log file:
# First, find out the container ID:
docker ps -a | grep -i "up.*minutes"
# You should see something like the following:
# 8992940d5586 mongod "/bin/bash /data/scr…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes busy_sinoussi
# Use the container ID from above to connect to it:
docker exec -it 8992940d5586 /bin/bash
# At this point you are inside the container, and should be presented with a shell. You should see something like:
# mongodb@mint-2647:/data$
# NOTE: Instead of `mint-2647`, you will see your Linux host name.
# You can now inspect the contents of the MongoDB logs. To see the last 2 lines:
cat /data/log/mongod.log | tail -n 2
# You should see something like:
# {"t":{"$date":"2021-01-24T06:08:57.443+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":51800, "ctx":"conn7","msg":"client metadata","attr":{"remote":"","client":"conn7","doc":{"application":{"name":"MongoDB Shell"},"driver":{"name":"MongoDB Internal Client","version":"4.4.2"},"os":{"type":"Linux","name":"PRETTY_NAME=\"Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)\"","architecture":"x86_64","version":"Kernel 5.4.0-62-generic"}}}}
# {"t":{"$date":"2021-01-24T06:08:57.458+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"ACCESS", "id":20250, "ctx":"conn7","msg":"Successful authentication","attr":{"mechanism":"SCRAM-SHA-256","principalName":"admin","authenticationDatabase":"admin","client":""}}