Just started to learn django. [Learnt with the academnd tutorial course]
- URLs
- Put in local urls into the project urls with include function
- Create view functions to be triggered when requested by the client
- Created views for each month seperately
- Replaced those function with a one function using if ladder
- Replaced if ladder using a dictionary of months and challenges
- Responded the request which made as number of the month
- Redirect that request into the their urls ex:- /challenges/1 => /challenges/january
- Replace the hard coded redirecting path with dynamic reverse function
- Send a HTML code as the response
- Created the index view and responded the challenge/ url by returning a list of months which generates the links to the months with HTML
- Sending html file as a string as the response
- We have to configure a settings in the main project DIRS and tell django to find templates in the template folder in the app "DIRS"
- And also register our app in the settings file and tell django to templates can be found at relevant app folders (for this the APP_DIRS variable should set to be True)
- Replaced the render_to_string_ function and returning the httpresponse object with render function in the django.shortcut module
- Dynamically changed the values in the html with django DTL (Django Template Language) changed html page will return with the response (Note :- *We have to use ajax requests to do this without reloading the page)
- Use the Django template filters (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.0/ref/templates/builtins/) to format the injected value just because formating the code is not a part of logics.
- Used Django tags and using 'for' tag iterate the list of keys inside HTML template file.
- Used 'if' tag to create a conditional statement inside a template.
- Create a base html (layout.html) template and usign inheritance created other sub templates insides the apps(extends them by layout.html).
- Using DIR in the settings.py file tell django to find the base template file.
- Extended challenge.html by layout.html
- Use include tag for get rid of boiler plate code in the templates and move that code into a folder created as "shared" inside the template folder. And also there was a another feature which we can access variable inside which we includes in templates. (Created a navigation header.)
- Create a standard 404 error project wide and tell django to find that 404 template (HttpResponseNotFound replaced with Http404() its not returning anything its raise)
- Added styling css files into the template by loading static module into the template files with "load" tag. Created a block inside the layout template called cssFiles and link the specific css files inside the sub templates with tag. Lol
- Add general stylesheet css file and configured django settings to track that file also. As what we did with the layout(base) html file.
- Styled the view
Templates - allow us to create dynamic html contents
Interpolation - Adding dynamic values into a html file {{ varName}}
Filters - format the dynamic variables
Tags - Programming inside a html template
Template inheritance (extends tag)
Use block tags to inject new values into parent template and render that file.
Loading static files with load tag
Avoiding code duplication with shared codes.
Views in the django handles the request send by the client.
Creating directory structure and configure django to track the files correctly.