To use entities as presenter parameters you'll need both Arachne/EntityLoader and Arachne/Doctrine:
composer require arachne/entity-loader arachne/doctrine
Then add the necessary extensions into your config.neon:
oops.cacheFactory: Oops\CacheFactory\DI\CacheFactoryExtension
arachne.serviceCollections: Arachne\ServiceCollections\DI\ServiceCollectionsExtension
arachne.containerAdapter: Arachne\ContainerAdapter\DI\ContainerAdapterExtension
arachne.eventDispatcher: Arachne\EventDispatcher\DI\EventDispatcherExtension
arachne.doctrine: Arachne\Doctrine\DI\DoctrineExtension
arachne.entityLoader: Arachne\EntityLoader\DI\EntityLoaderExtension
Now continue normally with the EntityLoader installation.
You can use entities as parameters now. But what if you want to use a slugified name of the entity in URLs instead of ID? With some magic in Arachne/EntityLoader and Arachne/Doctrine you can do it.
First you need to change your routing to use Arachne\EntityLoader\Routing\Route
instead of Nette\Application\Routers\Route
Next enable envelopes in your config.neon:
envelopes: true
The envelopes are a simple objects implementing the __toString method. Thanks to that and some magic in the Arachne\EntityLoader\Routing\Route
class they won't have any effect on your application other than that you can use them to get the underlying object in Route::FILTER_OUT
callback. To turn the slugs back into entities implement Arachne\Doctrine\EntityLoader\QueryInterface
and use it in Route::FILTER_IN
$router[] = new Route('/article/<entity>', [
'presenter' => 'Article',
'entity' => [
Route::FILTER_OUT => function (\Arachne\EntityLoader\Application\Envelope $value) {
return $value->getEntity()->getSlug();
Route::FILTER_IN => function ($slug) {
return new ArticleQuery($slug);
class ArticleQuery implements \Arachne\Doctrine\EntityLoader\QueryInterface
private $slug;
public function __construct($slug)
$this->slug = $slug;
public function getEntity(EntityRepository $repository)
return $repository->findOneBy(['slug' => $this->slug]);