To use Symfony/Validator and it's integrations for Doctrine ORM in your nette application install the following packages:
composer require kdyby/validator kdyby/annotations arachne/doctrine symfony/doctrine-bridge
Then add the extensions into your config.neon:
kdyby.annotations: Kdyby\Annotations\DI\AnnotationsExtension
kdyby.validator: Kdyby\Validator\DI\ValidatorExtension
arachne.doctrine: Arachne\Doctrine\DI\DoctrineExtension
With Arachne/Doctrine you can use the UniqueEntity constraint.
Doctrine entities sometimes may not have all properties loaded which is necessary for validation. Arachne/Doctrine adds the DoctrineInitializer to fix this.
Sometimes it's useful to validate all inserted or updated entities to ensure consistency of the database. You can activate this feature in config.neon:
validateOnFlush: true
You can also specify an array of validation groups:
- Default
- flush