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release notes 1.3.1

Pete R Jemian edited this page Jul 18, 2020 · 5 revisions


  • date/time: 2020-07-18 16:38:55.040187
  • release: 1.3.1rc1
  • milestone: 1.3.1
section quantity
New Tags 0
Pull Requests 11
Issues 12
Commits 38


-- none --

Pull Requests

pull request date state title
#360 2020-07-15 merged prefer logging to print
#363 2020-07-16 merged Handle when mailInFlag not provided
#364 2020-07-16 merged apsbss: add PVs for ioc_host and ioc_user
#367 2020-07-18 merged apsbss: move ophyd import from main
#368 2020-07-18 merged spec2ophyd: config file as command-line argument
#369 2020-07-18 merged spec2ophyd: handle NONE in SPEC counters
#371 2020-07-18 merged update & simplify the travis-ci setup
#373 2020-07-18 merged account for time zone when testing datetime-based file name
#374 2020-07-18 merged apsbss_ophyd: addDeviceDataAsStream() from USAXS
#375 2020-07-18 merged apsbss: add PVs for numbers of users
#376 2020-07-18 merged apsbss: example beam line-specific shell scripts


issue date title
#345 2020-07-18 NeXus file name different due to time zone in travis-ci
#352 2020-07-18 apsbss: add PVs for number of users in ESAF and Proposal
#355 2020-07-16 apsbss: proposal has no mailInFlag
#356 2020-07-16 apsbss: PVs for IOC workstation and user
#357 2020-07-18 apsbss: provide examples of specific IOC shell script and GUI starters
#358 2020-07-18 apsbss_ophyd: add stream writer plan
#359 2020-07-15 apsbss: prefer logging to print
#361 2020-07-18 spec2ophyd: error reading config file at 4-ID
#362 2020-07-18 spec2ophyd: accept config file as command-line argument
#365 2020-07-16 demo notebook of darks, images, flats has new URL
#366 2020-07-18 apsbss: move ophyd requirement from main
#370 2020-07-18 use environments.yml to setup for travis-ci


commit date message
d924a1d 2020-07-14 MNT #359
a82aaa8 2020-07-15 TST #359 Codacy
5edb9ce 2020-07-15 Merge pull request #360 from BCDA-APS/359-logging
1643e2a 2020-07-15 MNT #355
6669e57 2020-07-16 Merge pull request #363 from BCDA-APS/355-mailInFlag
ae995d1 2020-07-16 MNT #356 make the PVs
f2729b4 2020-07-16 MNT #356 implement in shell script
a24668f 2020-07-16 MNT #356 ophyd interface
26fd013 2020-07-16 TST #356
92929ed 2020-07-16 TST #356 Codacy
aacd1a7 2020-07-16 Merge pull request #364 from BCDA-APS/356-PVs
661cf54 2020-07-16 fixes #365
8c1a4eb 2020-07-16 MNT #366
0a9a687 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #367 from BCDA-APS/366-move-import-ophyd
ea0c2ba 2020-07-18 MNT #362
33a627d 2020-07-18 TST #362 Codacy
b1d2abf 2020-07-18 MNT #362
b6f3829 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #368 from BCDA-APS/362-arg
56a3ca3 2020-07-18 MNT #362
c2bf70a 2020-07-18 TST #361
d9424bf 2020-07-18 MNT #361
c3197da 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #369 from BCDA-APS/361-spec2ophyd-error
bfa11e0 2020-07-18 CI #370
939246c 2020-07-18 CI #370
773aba9 2020-07-18 MNT #370
4a99009 2020-07-18 DOC #370
67e272c 2020-07-18 TST #370
be56d81 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #371 from BCDA-APS/370-travis
3bb774a 2020-07-18 TST #345 render in local time zone
8f08aff 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #373 from BCDA-APS/345-TZ
26e650f 2020-07-18 ENH #358 from USAXS
6a3b036 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #374 from BCDA-APS/358-stream-writer-plan
9dbf975 2020-07-18 ENH #352
f0c7692 2020-07-18 MNT #352
d0ad386 2020-07-18 TST #352 Codacy
4bf5fd3 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #375 from BCDA-APS/352-PVs
14c3022 2020-07-18 DOC #357 example shell scripts
add1b69 2020-07-18 Merge pull request #376 from BCDA-APS/357-examples
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