Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accountId | String | User's account ID. | [optional] |
additionalDenialReasons | List<AdditionalDenialReason> | An optional list of denial reasons in addition to declineReasonDescription when multiple reasons apply. | [optional] |
declineReasonDescription | String | Explanation for why a verification request was declined. | [optional] |
denialStatusCode | Integer | Reason code for denial. | [optional] |
internalTicketNumber | UUID | Unique identifier (UUID) generated by Bandwidth to assist in tracking the verification status of a toll-free number. | [optional] |
phoneNumber | String | Toll-free telephone number in E.164 format. | [optional] |
resubmitAllowed | Boolean | Whether a Toll-Free Verification request qualifies for resubmission via PUT. | [optional] |
status | String | [optional] |