This changelog references the relevant changes done between versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
- Decoupled the bengor user command bus and bengor user api command bus.
- Updated token references in the HTTP controllers. Be careful, this changes introduce BC breaks in order
that the
's version is less than v1.1.0, so please check it out.
- Removed country from translation files.
- Updated Twig include notation to improve the inheritance of the templates between bundles.
- Removed HTTP exceptions from Api controllers and added JsonResponse as return objects.
- Catch
inside defaultAction of Api's SignUpController.
- Added Api integration with json render responses apart of the html render responses.
- Added two Symfony console commands that purge outdated invitation tokens and remember password tokens.
- Removed deprecated JWT Authenticator.
- Rewritten the UserUrlGenerator's associated service.
- More info in the new documentation's event subscriber section and inside file.
- Upgraded PHP-CS Fixer.
- Fixed bug that generate a infinite loop with Twig template includes.
- [Travis CI] Dropped support for HHVM and added for PHP 7.1.
- Changed JwtController response code from 404 to 400.
- Catch UserEmailInvalidException in JwtController.
- Fixed dependencies for framework-bundle 3.2
- Deprecated JWT Authenticator
- Now JWTController responses return JsonResponses.
- Added JWT authentication
- Now the CLI commands are always enabled to simplify the user experience
- Changed
strategy for logins