In this document you can find all the coding conventions used in this project.
World uses armadillo to perform operations over 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional arrays.
When these arrays are used in a Cartesian space with dimensions XYZ, the row number corresponds to the x coordinate, the column number corresponds to the y coordinate, and the slice number corresponds to the z coordinate. (This is different from images, where x corresponds to the column.)
Thus, elements are accessed like this :
mat buffer1(25, 25);
element_at_xy = buffer1(x, y);
cube buffer2(25, 25, 25);
element_at_xyz = buffer2(x, y, z);
Armadillo matrix are stored in column-major ordering. So the fastest way to browse a mat or a cube are :
mat buffer1(25, 25);
for (auto y = 0; y < buffer1.n_cols; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x < buffer1.n_rows; ++x) {
element_at_xy = buffer1(x, y);
cube buffer2(25, 25, 25);
// slices are contiguous in memory
for (auto z = 0; z < buffer2.n_slices; ++z) {
for (auto y = 0; y < buffer2.n_cols; ++y) {
for (auto x = 0; x < buffer2.n_rows; ++x) {
element_at_xyz = buffer2(x, y, z);