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71 lines (66 loc) · 2.24 KB

Dev CSharp

File metadata and controls

71 lines (66 loc) · 2.24 KB

CSharp troubleshooting

The SSL connection could not be established


public static void RequestHttpStatus(PrinterModel printer, int timeOut)
	if (printer.HttpStatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
	printer.HttpStatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
	printer.HttpStatusException = null;
	RestClientOptions options = new(printer.Link)
		UseDefaultCredentials = true,
		ThrowOnAnyError = true,
		MaxTimeout = timeOut,
		RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => { return true; }  // <--- fix error here
	using RestClient client = new(options);
	RestRequest request = new();
		RestResponse response = client.GetAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
		printer.HttpStatusCode = response.StatusCode;
	catch (Exception ex)
		printer.HttpStatusException = ex;

Invalid value for key 'Encrypt'


SqlConnectionStringBuilder sqlConnectionStringBuilder = new();
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["Data Source"] = jsonSettings.Sql.DataSource;
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["Initial Catalog"] = jsonSettings.Sql.InitialCatalog;
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["Persist Security Info"] = jsonSettings.Sql.PersistSecurityInfo;
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["User ID"] = jsonSettings.Sql.UserId;
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["Password"] = jsonSettings.Sql.Password;
//sqlConnectionStringBuilder["Encrypt"] = jsonSettings.Sql.Encrypt;  // <--- fix error here
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["Connect Timeout"] = jsonSettings.Sql.ConnectTimeout;
sqlConnectionStringBuilder["TrustServerCertificate"] = jsonSettings.Sql.TrustServerCertificate;

CS8632 - The annotation for nullable reference types should only be used in code within a ‘#nullable’ annotations context

#nullable enable
	private DataModel? _data;
#nullable disable

jitDebugging fix error for Debug config

Create the file machine.config in WindowsFormsApp directory

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    < jitDebugging="false" />

Set the next properties

Build action:	AdditionalFiles
Copy to Output:	Copy if newer
File Name:		machine.config