docker run # Create and run a new container from an image
docker exec # Execute a command in a running container
docker ps # List containers
docker build # Build an image from a Dockerfile
docker pull # Download an image from a registry
docker push # Upload an image to a registry
docker images # List images
docker login # Log in to a registry
docker logout # Log out from a registry
docker search # Search Docker Hub for images
docker version # Show the Docker version information
docker info # Display system-wide information
docker pull <image> # download the image
docker image ls # list images
docker images # list images
docker rmi <image> # remove the image
docker run <image> # download the image, create and start the container
docker run -d --name <container> --mount source=/mnt/share,target=/mnt/share <image>:latest
# run the container in background, set name, add mount directory
docker run -d busybox sleep 5 # run the busybox in background and wait 5 seconds
docker run <image> sleep 5 # run the container and wait 5 seconds
docker run <image>:<tag> # run the container with tag
docker run -it <container> /bin/bash # to get an interactive shell
docker ps # list running containers
docker ps -a # list all containers
docker container ls # list containers
docker container ls --all # list all containers
docker container rm <container> # remove the container
docker rm <container_id> # remove the container by id
docker rm <container_name> # remove the container by name
docker container stats # view a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
docker stats # view a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
docker container stop <container> # stop running container
docker start <container> # strat container
docker stop <container> # stop running container
docker container inspect <container> # view detailed information on one or more container
docker inspect <container> # view detailed information on one or more container
docker attach <container_hash> # attach to the container by hash
docker volume create # create volume
docker volume create <volume_name> # create named volume
docker volume inspect <volume> # view detailed information on one or more volumes
docker volume ls # list volumes
docker volume rm <volume_name> # remove one or more volumes
docker run <container> # run container with bridge network | default private internal network | 172.17.0.x
docker run <container> --network=none # run container with none network | does not have access to any networks
docker run <container> --network=host # run container with host network | external network | usage host's ports
docker run -p 8000:5000 <web_app> # run container with external port 8000 and internal port 5000 | port mapping
docker run -p 8306:3306 <mysql> # run container with external port 8306 and internal port 3306 | port mapping
docker network ls # view networks
docker network create <network_name> # create user-defined network
docker network create <network_name> --driver bridge --subnet # create network with driver and subnet
docker network rm <network_name> # remove user-defined network
docker network inspect <network_name> # view detailed information on one or more networks
docker logs --details <container> # fetch the logs of a container
docker logs -f <container> # to debug the container
docker exec <container> <command> # exec the command into the container
docker exec <container> cat /etc/hosts # example of exec the command into the container
docker exec -it <container> /bin/bash # interactive shell
docker exec -it <container> sh # interactive shell