E-Bike Memory Seat allows you to adjust the seat height of your electric bicycle with just one press of a button on your smartphone. It was developed in the research group AuRa - Autonome Fahrräder at OVGU Magdeburg, Germany and was one of the main features of the shared, autonomous and electric concept bike AuRa Immerwahr.
The project is based on the Robot Operating System (ROS). The ROS server receives messages from the ROS Mobile application over Wi-Fi and sends the appropriate command to the microcontroller over RS-232. The Arduino Uno microcontroller drives the linear actuator and measures the current seat height which is then displayed on the ROS Mobile application.
- Wireless control of the seat using the ROS Mobile Android application.
- Two buttons for manual seat height adjustment "Up" and "Down". Seat moves when the button is held down and stops when released.
- Three "memory" buttons for automatic seat height adjustment. Seat moves to a predefined position when the button is pressed.
- Feedback on the current seat height is displayed in real time.
- Powerful linear actuator capable of adjusting the height of the seat while the user is sitting on it. The range of motion is between 0mm and 150mm.
- Concurrent operations are handled by the ROS Action Server and Client.
- Cooldown period after each operation to protect the actuator from overheating.
- Setup the Arduino Uno microcontroller
- After connecting it to the PC, upload catkin_ws/src/ebms_with_serial/src/Microcontroller/EbmsMicrocontrollerWithSerial/EbmsMicrocontrollerWithSerial.ino
- You can use a potentiometer connected to 5V, GND and A0 to manually generate feedback when an action has started.
- Configure the launch file
- Open the catkin_ws/src/ebms_with_serial/launch/ebmsWithSerial.launch file
- Change the IP address for the environment variables to your actual address. You can find it using
$ ifconfig
. - Make sure the port to which the microcontroller is connected is the same as the one in the launch file "/dev/ttyACM0". If it isn't change it to the actual port value.
- In a new terminal, change your directory to the catkin workspace
$ cd E-Bike_Memory_Seat_With_Serial/catkin_ws
- Build the project
$ catkin_make
- Setup the current environment
$ source devel/setup.bash
Connect the android phone to the same Wi-Fi network as the PC.
Configure ROS Mobile
- Click on "Add Configuration" and add three button widgets and one logger widget. The buttons should publish to topics named "btn_high", "btn_medium" and "btn_low". The logger should be subscribed to a topic named "log".
- In the MASTER tab, Enter your IP address from step 1 into the Master URL field.
- Master port should be 11311
- launch ROS master or the entire project
- Click on CONNECT and open the VIZ tab
- Launch the project
$ roslaunch ebms_with_serial ebmsWithSerial.launch
This will start rosserial, the action client and the action server.
- In ROS Mobile, click on a button.
This will start the appropriate action. You can monitor its progress in the logger field.
This is very useful for debugging purposes because every terminal wondow has its own output. The terminal running the rosserial node outputs messages sent from the microcontroller. The terminals running the action server and client nodes, output their respective messages.
- Start the ROS master node
$ export ROS_IP=
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_IP:11311
// or this for short
$ export ROS_IP= && export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_IP:11311 && export ROS_HOSTNAME=$ROS_IP
$ roscore
- Start the rosserial communication between the Ubuntu machine and the arduino microcontroller (in a new terminal window)
$ rosrun rosserial_python serial_node.py /dev/ttyACM0
You can find the correct serial port by opening the Arduino IDE Tools/Port: "..."
- Start the Action Client
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ export ROS_IP=
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_IP:11311
// or this for short
$ export ROS_IP= && export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$ROS_IP:11311 && export ROS_HOSTNAME=$ROS_IP
$ rosrun ebms_with_serial ebmsActionClient
- Start the Action Server
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ export ROS_IP=
$ export ROS_MASTER_URI=
// or this for short
$ export ROS_IP= && export ROS_MASTER_URI= && export ROS_HOSTNAME=$ROS_IP
$ rosrun ebms_with_serial ebmsActionServer
- Open ROS Mobile on your android device, go to the MASTER tab
- Connect to the current IP address of ROS Master. In this example it is but you can find your own with
$ ifconfig
- Open the VIZ tab and press one of the three buttons. Pressing any button will send a message to the action client. The action client will send a goal to the Action Server. The Action Server will send the new wanted seat height to the Arduino Uno microcontroller. The microcontroller will begin moving the seat and sending feedback of the current position to the Action Server. The Action server will forward this feedback information to the Action Client. The Action Client will use this information to determine when the microcontroller is ready to service a new goal. Until then any new button presses will be ignored. More specifically, if the seat height is being adjusted, or it is in a cooldown period, button presses will be ignored.
https://programmer.group/ros-communication-mechanism-action-and-action-file.html - for action client-server communication with callbacks
https://wiki.ros.org/actionlib/DetailedDescription - for action server goal states and transitions
http://wiki.ros.org/roscpp/Overview/Time - for ROS Time and Duration variables
https://github.com/ROS-Mobile/ROS-Mobile-Android/wiki/FAQ - for ROS Mobile logger subscribing to a ROS topic
http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/UsingRqtconsoleRoslaunch#Using_roslaunch - for roslaunch
http://wiki.ros.org/roslaunch/XML - for roslaunch
https://nu-msr.github.io/me495_site/lecture04_launch.html - for roslaunch
http://wiki.ros.org/roslaunch/XML/env - for roslaunch setting environment variables
http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/EnvironmentVariables#Node_Environment_Variables - for ROS environment variables
http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial_python - for rosserial port parameter name
http://vitaly_filatov.tripod.com/ng/tc/tc_000.305.html - for converting unsigned long to string for the arduino
https://answers.ros.org/question/267948/how-to-add-parameters-to-a-subscriber-callback-function-given-that-it-is-also-an-action_client/ - for passing the action client as a shared pointer to the subscriber callback function
http://wiki.ros.org/roscpp/Overview/Publishers%20and%20Subscribers - for detailed ROS publisher and subscriber information
http://wiki.ros.org/actionlib_tutorials/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20Callback%20Based%20Simple%20Action%20Client - for example Action Client using classes
http://wiki.ros.org/roscpp_tutorials/Tutorials/UsingClassMethodsAsCallbacks - for using class methods as callbacks
It turns out that setPreempted is, at the time of writing, a relatively new method because it is not mentioned in the above wiki article. Instead a setCancelled() method is mentioned which can be found in simple_action_server_imp.h. Apparently setPreempted(result, text) calls "current_goal_.setCanceled(result, text);". Both methods accept two OPTIONAL parameters which are sent to any clients of the goal: a result and a text message. If no parameters are specified, some initialized values are used. For example my action's result has a u_int8_t value. If I don't pass my result to the setPreempted() method, it initializes its own result with a value of 0. What's more, setPreempted() as well as setSucceeded() not only set the state of the goal, they also publish the result and if you have not passed your result to the method like setPreempted(result), or setSucceeded(result), some other initialized by ROS result will be published. In my case, calling setPreempted() or setSucceeded() will also publish a result with value 0. If you're not aware of that it can break your code's logic. With that in mind, if we want to cancel the currently active goal from the Action Client, we can use the method actionClientPtr->cancelGoal();. When this method is called from the Action Client, it can be detected from the Action Server using the method actionServer.isPreemptRequested() which will return true. Then it is the server's responsibility to set the status of the goal to PREEMPTED using the method "actionServer.setPreempted(result);" as well as publish the appropriate result.
In the current state of the project, when an action has started it will run until it finishes or the timer runs out. The only case in which an action is cancelled is when the timer of the Action Client runs out. New action requests can not preempt a previus action. If the user tries to send a new goal before the previus one has finished, their request will be ignored and they will be notified of that in real time.
- Rename the action parameter wantedHeight, because not every value is a wanted seat height. This parameter has transformed into a coded request for the server. Values incl. and bellow 150 are wanted seat height in mm, values above that are special requests such as 251 = RAISE the seat until the button is released.
- Rename other functions whose functionality has been modified beyond the description of their names.
- Implement a CANCEL function when using the memory buttons (those which correspond to the topics "btn_high", "btn_medium" and "btn_low"). Currently when one of these buttons is pressed, for example btn_high, the seat will be lifted to that height and there is no way to manually cancel this action.