Hi! I hope you're having fun playing Kururin Paradise. This document contains some extra features not mentioned in the base game.
These features were probably tucked away in a handful of strategy guides nearly 2 decades ago, but now I'm making them public information. There's nothing achievement-worthy here, just a couple of neat features worth mentioning.
- Play through any level and reach this screen:
- Hold L and R to watch an instant replay.
- Store the password using the pause menu:
- Follow the next section to view/share your password.
- Get to the main menu:
- Hold L and R to access the secret password menu.
- In the password menu, use D-Pad/A button to navigate/change the password, press START to view the replay.
- Get to the main Magic menu:
- Press R 3 times, L 3 times, R 5 times, then SELECT.
- You should see a hidden password entry screen:
- Set each of the following passwords, then press START to unlock a new magic trick:
- Chab3mAn
- huSkInG8
- mOn88nOm