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File metadata and controls

244 lines (186 loc) · 5.83 KB


A robust Node.js utility for tracking and estimating resource costs ("gas") during asynchronous function execution. Gas2nel monitors CPU usage, memory allocation, network I/O, and file system operations to provide realistic resource utilization metrics.

npm version License: MIT


  • 🔍 Comprehensive resource tracking
    • CPU time and percentage
    • Memory usage (RSS, heap, external)
    • Network bandwidth (sent/received bytes)
    • File I/O operations
  • 📊 Configurable metric reporting
  • ⚡ Real-time resource monitoring
  • 🎯 Accurate gas cost estimation
  • 🔄 Event-driven architecture
  • 💪 TypeScript-friendly API


npm install gas2nel

Quick Start

const Gas2nel = require('gas2nel');

// Initialize with optional configuration
const gas2nel = new Gas2nel({
  include: ["metric", "report"]  // Include detailed metrics and human-readable report

// Example async function to monitor
async function complexOperation() {
  const data = await fetch('');
  await processData(data);
  return 'Operation completed';

// Estimate gas usage
const result = await gas2nel.estimateGas(complexOperation);

Configuration Options

The Gas2nel constructor accepts an options object with the following properties:

  include: string[]  // Array of additional outputs to include: "metric" and/or "report"

API Reference

new Gas2nel(options?)

Creates a new Gas2nel instance.

const gas2nel = new Gas2nel({
  include: ["metric", "report"]

async estimateGas(fn, ...args)

Executes a function while monitoring resource usage and returns detailed metrics.


  • fn: Async function to monitor
  • ...args: Arguments to pass to the function


  success: boolean,      // Whether the function executed successfully
  data: any,            // Function return value or error message
  gas: number,          // Estimated gas cost (0 to 1 scale)
  metric?: {            // Optional detailed metrics
    cpuTimeMs: number,
    cpuPercentage: number,
    memoryRSS: number,
    memoryHeapUsed: number,
    memoryExternal: number,
    sentBytes: number,
    receivedBytes: number,
    wallTimeMs: number,
    fileReadBytes: number,
    fileWriteBytes: number
  report?: {            // Optional human-readable report
    cpuTimeMs: number,
    wallTimeMs: number,
    peakMemoryRSS: string,
    memoryHeapUsed: string,
    memoryExternal: string,
    networkTransferred: string,
    fileIO: string


Updates the configuration options.

  include: ["report"]


Resets all counters (network and file I/O metrics).


Gas Estimation Details

Gas2nel uses a weighted combination of various metrics to estimate the total resource cost:

Metric Weight Description
CPU Time 35% Process CPU time in milliseconds
CPU Percentage 20% CPU utilization percentage
RSS Memory 15% Resident Set Size memory usage
Heap Memory 10% V8 heap memory usage
External Memory 5% V8 external memory usage
Network Sent 5% Bytes sent over network
Network Received 5% Bytes received over network
Wall Time 5% Total execution time


Basic Usage

const Gas2nel = require('gas2nel');
const gas2nel = new Gas2nel();

async function example() {
  // CPU-intensive operation
  const result = await gas2nel.estimateGas(async () => {
    let sum = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
      sum += Math.sqrt(i);
    return sum;

Network Operations

const gas2nel = new Gas2nel({ include: ["metric"] });

const result = await gas2nel.estimateGas(async () => {
  const response = await fetch('');
  return await response.json();

console.log(`Network usage: ${result.metric.sentBytes + result.metric.receivedBytes} bytes`);

File Operations

const gas2nel = new Gas2nel({ include: ["report"] });

const result = await gas2nel.estimateGas(async () => {
  await fs.promises.writeFile('output.txt', 'Hello World');
  const data = await fs.promises.readFile('output.txt');
  return data.toString();

console.log(`File I/O: ${}`);

Error Handling

Gas2nel gracefully handles errors in monitored functions:

const result = await gas2nel.estimateGas(async () => {
  throw new Error('Something went wrong');

// {
//   success: false,
//   data: 'Something went wrong',
//   gas: 0.023,  // Resources used before error
//   ...
// }

Best Practices

  1. Reset Between Operations

    gas2nel.reset();  // Clear previous metrics
  2. Include Appropriate Metrics

    // For debugging
    gas2nel.setOptions({ include: ["metric", "report"] });
    // For production
    gas2nel.setOptions({});  // Minimal output
  3. Monitor Specific Operations

    // Good: Monitoring specific operation
    await gas2nel.estimateGas(specificOperation);
    // Avoid: Monitoring too much
    await gas2nel.estimateGas(async () => {
      await operation1();
      await operation2();
      await operation3();


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Contributing Guide for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.