Releases: ETLCPP/etl
Variadic additions and recode
Simplified message framework internal code.
Additional receive() virtual function overload taking destination id.
Removed is_bus() member function.
Added variadic template versions of etl::largest, etl::largest_type,
etl::largest_alignment and etl::smallest
Bug fix for 'vector of pointers'
Fixed bug in 'vector of pointers' move constructor
Added 'delegates'
Added a C++11 compatible etl::delegate template class.
Improves and extends the functionality offered by etl::function.
Added etl::delegate_service to complement etl::callback_service
Secure Strings
Added missing 'cleanup' to string's resize() method.
Secure Strings
Added an optional secure mode to strings, so that unused space will be cleared to zero
They are also cleared on destruction.
multi_array, memory_clear, memory_set
Added etl::memory_clear and etl::memory_set utility functions.
These functions will overwrite the memory allocated to the supplied object, or pointer and range.
Added variadic min and max functions.
C++11 only.
Added etl::multi_array
Added a C++11 or above multi-dimensional array template.
Fixed unsigned cyclic_value wrap-around bug for negative advance.
Calling advance on an unsigned cyclic_value with a negative step, that would cause the value to wrap around the lower bound, would result in the incorrect value.
Fixed bug in to_string for floating point with leading zeros after the decimal point.
Fixed bug in fractional part for floating point with leading zeros after the decimal point.
Added 'to_string' functionality
Added 'to_string' functionality for integrals, floating point, bools and pointers.
Added etl::format_spec classes to describe the require string formatting.