Docker images are further categorized in 2 types
- Base Image
If we need to have more control on whats going in my images we should use base image, which means we need to create a Docker image from scratch.
- Parent Image
Parent image is something we will be using image created by someone else and build our image on top of this image.
We can write Docker instructions in a file name Dockerfile. Lets see some Dockerfile instructions.
This must be the fist line in Dockerfile.
This is to add the Maintainer in Docker image.
Build time variables and only available during the creation of Docker image.
To setup the environment variable in Docker container.
It takes source and destination locations to copy the file from host machine where we will be building the docker image to docker image.
It do what COPY does but apart from that it also support the URL’s to get download from external sources. Also it understand the tar formats.
TO execute command in docker image layer.
sets default command and/or parameters, which can be overwritten from command line when docker container runs.
configures a container that will run as an executable.
To expose the ports on which the application inside the container listening on.
Its sets up the working directory inside the container.
Its a metadata for the container it takes Key Value pair.
It creates a mount point inside the Docker container from the host machine.
sudo debootstrap stretch stretch > /dev/null sudo tar -C stretch -c . | docker import - stretch
- To create a Docker we need to create a Dockerfile, below is basic docker file.
FROM scratch ADD /
- To create a docker image use below command
docker build -t myfirstdockerimage . or you can specify the Dockerfile path too docker build -t myfirstdockerimage . -f Dockerfile
- To run a docker container for the image created with above step
docker run myfirstdockerimage
- To check the docker images
docker images
- To check the running dockers
docker container ls or docker ps
- To stop the docker container
docker stop <containerid>
- To stop the docker container