- choose docs framework that still works and builds pages inside of https://escuela.dev
Left collapsible Sidebar
Displays the current course Modules, if at a Course level
if in a Module, display the chapters, highlighting the current one
for each link on the initial overview chapter to each other chapters, generate a link when rendering the markdown (link)
Example __ch-3__
means to current module's chapter 3 - same language
Example __ch-03__
means to current module's chapter 3 - same language
Example __ch-3__en__
means to current module's chapter 3 - EN language
Example __ch-3__es__
means to current module's chapter 3 - ES language
Example __mo-fwdf__
means to first chapter of fwdf
(Frontend web developer foundations) module
Example __co-wd101__
means to first chapter of wd101
Web Development 101 course's first module
Example __co-wd101__mo-2__
means to second module of wd101
Web Development 101 course
- check for broken links
- if a link has an external link, add a small arrow up-right icon on the top right
- Add login system. Google, GitHub
- Add payment system. Subscription model DYI self-served. Or with Mentorship and get access to all content during the period of the course.
- (later) A link to download the source of the completed courses will be on the Profile page at all times. Todo keep track of completed / started courses.
- Keep track of 'completed' modules and chapters by a checkbox Button at the buttom of each chapter.
- On the left Sidebar display a checked box icon if completed
- You can complete any chapter at any point. There is no mandatory order or previous requirement.
- To show a completed module all its chapters must be completed and the assesments completed or submitted (a link + text).
- Changing locale at the top of the site makes you stay on the same page of the course but in the other language. Just like