Used to delete an existing bus from the bus inventory.
URL : /api/admin/1.0/buses/{busno}
Method : DELETE
Auth required : Yes
NOTE : Pass the {busno} of the bus you want to delete in the API-URL Also set the headers
Content-Type : application/json,
Accept: application/json,
Authorization : Bearer admin_api_token.
Example:Suppose you created the bus with bus_no 8840, and it was saved successfully using create bus api , now you want to delete the bus.
The endpoint to delete this bus is
DELETE : api/admin/1.0/buses/{busno}
make a DELETE request, without any payload.
Authorization Header need to be set in the post request api, and please keep space between Bearer and api_token. Example: Authorization : Bearer api_token. Where api_token is the token recieved on login.
Data constraints None
Data example for a bus
"busno" : "8812 passed in url, not as form element"
Code : 200 Ok
"status": "deleted"
Condition : If '{busno}' passed is not found in database.
Code : 404 Not Found
Content :
"error": {
"error_code" : "resource_not_found_error",
"error_message": "Resource not found errors arise when your request is trying to access the resources not found in datbase."