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251 lines (209 loc) · 9.23 KB

License Build Release


wal2mongo is a PostgreSQL logical decoding output plugin designed to make the logical replication easier from PostgreSQL to MongoDB by formating the output to a JSON-like format accepted by mongo.


To use wal2mongo logical decoding output plugin, either one of below PostgreSQL servers need to be installed,

Build, Test and Install

wal2mongo is designed to support two typical ways for building PostgreSQL extension: one is for developers who want to manage wal2mongo source code under PostgreSQL source code tree structure; the other one is for developers or DBA who want to integrate wal2mongo to existing PostgreSQL binaries.

On a Linux-like environment

  • Build under PostgreSQL Source Code Tree
cd /path/to/postgres/contrib/
git clone
cd wal2mongo
make install
make check
  • Build against PostgreSQL binaries
mkdir sandbox
cd sandbox
git clone
cd wal2mongo

Set the PATH to point to existing PostgreSQL binary directory. Use PGHOST and PGPORT to specify a PostgreSQL server and port to run the installcheck-force test against if different from default ones.

$ export PATH=/path/to/postgres/bin:$PATH
USE_PGXS=1 make
USE_PGXS=1 make install
USE_PGXS=1 make installcheck-force

On Windows7, 10 and 2019 Server

  • Build under PostgreSQL Source Code Tree
  1. Following the instruction here to setup the build environment using Microsoft Windows SDK. The Visual Studio 2019 Community is enough for building Postgres 12.x and wal2mongo logical decoding output plugin. After VS 2019 has been installed successfully, download ActivePerl 5.28, ActiveTcl 8.6 and GnuWin32 0.6.3 and install them with the default setting would be enough.

  2. Check the binaries path for ActivePerl, ActiveTcl and GnuWin32 for System variables in Environment variables management panel, if not exist then add them in.

  3. Build and install

cd \path\to\postgres\contrib\
git clone
cd \path\to\postgres\src\tools\msvc\
install \path\to\install\foler\
  1. Run regress test (notes, regress test a single extension is not supported by vcregress yet)
vcregress contribcheck
  • Build against PostgreSQL binaries

wal2mongo can be built in a separate project folder using Visual Studio 2019 by following the steps below:

  1. Create a new project using Empty Project template, and set Project name to wal2mong, for example.
  2. Right click wal2mongo project -> Add -> New items ..., select C++ File but name it as wal2mongo.c
  3. Paste all the c source code from github to local wal2mongo.c file.
  4. Add PGDLLEXPORT to function _PG_init and _PG_output_plugin_init, like below,
extern PGDLLEXPORT void _PG_init(void);
extern PGDLLEXPORT void _PG_output_plugin_init(OutputPluginCallbacks* cb);
  1. Right click wal2mongo project -> Properties, then change below settings, General -> Configuration Type Dynamic Library (.dll)

Set C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Enable C++ Exceptions to NO

Set C/C++ -> Advanced -> Compile As to Compile As C Code

Set Linker -> Manifest File -> Generate Manifest to No

Add postgres.lib to Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies

Depends on where PostgreSQL binaries are installed, add below pathes in below order to C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories


Again, depends on where PostgreSQL binaries are installed, add a path like below to Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories

  1. Right click wal2mongo1, then click build`. If everything goes fine, then below message should show up.
1>wal2mongo.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\wal2mongo\Debug\wal2mongo.dll
1>Done building project "wal2mongo.vcxproj".
========== Rebuild All: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
  1. Manually copy wal2mongo.dll to the lib where PostgreaSQL is installed, then run test following Examples section.

Setup and configuration

Edit PostgreSQl configuration file postgresql.conf and make sure wal_level is set to logical, and max_replication_slots is set at least 1 (default settings is 10). Restart postgres services.




Below are two simple ways to replicate data from PostgreSQL to MongoDB using wal2mongo: one use psql console; the other one use pg_recvlogical tools.

using psql

  • Create a slot For example, create a slot nameed 'w2m_slot' using the output plugin wal2mongo.
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('w2m_slot', 'wal2mongo');
 slot_name |    lsn     
 w2m_slot  | 1/3CB04148
(1 row)
  • Check the slot just created
postgres=# SELECT slot_name, plugin, slot_type, database, active, restart_lsn, confirmed_flush_lsn FROM pg_replication_slots;
 slot_name |  plugin   | slot_type | database | active | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn 
 w2m_slot  | wal2mongo | logical   | postgres | f      | 1/3CB04110  | 1/3CB04148
(1 row)
  • Create a table and insert data
postgres=# CREATE TABLE books (
  title	 VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  author VARCHAR(100) NULL

postgres=# insert into books
(id, title, author) 
(123, 'HG-PGSQL1.1', 'Highgo');
  • Peek if any changes
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_peek_changes('w2m_slot', NULL, NULL);
    lsn     | xid  |                                  data                                  
 1/3CB247F8 | 1793 | db.books.insertOne( { id:123, title:"HG-PGSQL1.1", author:"Highgo" } )
(1 row)
  • Retrieve the changes
postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('w2m_slot', NULL, NULL);
    lsn     | xid  |                                  data                                  
 1/3CB247F8 | 1793 | db.books.insertOne( { id:123, title:"HG-PGSQL1.1", author:"Highgo" } )
(1 row)
  • Replicate data within mongo console (option 1)

log into mongoDB, and copy all the strings from data section, and paste to mongo console

> db.books.insertOne( { id:123, title:"HG-PGSQL1.1", author:"Highgo" } )
	"acknowledged" : true,
	"insertedId" : ObjectId("5e5ea92be9684c562aae5b7a")
  • Replicate data using .js file (option 2)

Copy all the strings from data section, and paste it to a file, e.g. test.js, then import the file using mongo

$ mongo < test.js 
MongoDB shell version v4.0.16
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("86ddf177-9704-43f9-9f66-31ac1f9f89e0") }
MongoDB server version: 4.0.16
	"acknowledged" : true,
	"insertedId" : ObjectId("5e5ea8f3bb2265ca8fa4b7ae")
  • check the data replicated
> db.books.find();
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e5ea8f3bb2265ca8fa4b7ae"), "id" : 123, "title" : "HG-PGSQL1.1", "author" : "Highgo" }
  • Drop a slot if not used any more
postgres=# SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot('w2m_slot');
(1 row)

using pg_recvlogical

  • create a slot
$ pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot w2m_slot2 --create-slot --plugin=wal2mongo
  • start logical decoding stream on terminal 1
$ pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot w2m_slot2 --start -f -

Or let pg_recvlogical record all the changes to a file, e.g.

$ pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot w2m_slot2 --start -f test2.js
  • Create a table and insert data from terminal 2
postgres=# CREATE TABLE books (
  title	 VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
  author VARCHAR(100) NULL

postgres=# insert into books
(id, title, author) 
(124, 'HG-PGSQL1.2', 'Highgo');
  • Check the changes by switching back to terminal 1

One record like below should be showing up either in console or inside file test2.js,

db.books.insertOne( { id:124, title:"HG-PGSQL1.2", author:"Highgo" } )
  • replcate data to mongoDB same as above

  • Drop a slot if not used any more

$ pg_recvlogical -d postgres --slot w2m_slot2 --drop-slot