(English version is down below.)
示例网页 预览效果:http://practice.hollowman.ml/💥%20canvas-explosion-click.js/sample.html
将下面的代码插入到 <body> 和 </body> 之间
<script type="text/javascript" src="canvas-explosion-click.js"></script>
强烈建议在 </body>
标签上方. 例如下面的代码结构:
<script type="text/javascript" src="canvas-explosion-click.js"></script>
然后就完成了,打开网页即可看到效果!请注意不要将代码置于 <head> </head>里面
Canvas that explode after a click.
Sample Page real-time watching: http://practice.hollowman.ml/💥%20canvas-explosion-click.js/sample.html
Insert the code below between <body> and </body>
<script src="canvas-explosion-click.js"></script>
Strongly suggest to insert before the tag </body>
, as the following:
<script src="canvas-explosion-click.js"></script>
Then ok! Please do not add the code in the <head> </head>