- AbstractCreateReactAppResourceBase ignores HEAD requests
- AbstractCreateReactAppResourceBase ignores WebSocket upgrade requests
- register multiple React applications in FrontendResource with matcher functions to select one at request time
- only send HTML response when the request was a GET
- introduce ResponseEnhancements to dynamically adapt the HML produced by AbstractCreateReactAppResourceBase
- Log4j2LoggingResource (admin port)
- add AbstractCreateReactAppResourceBase for serving React applications created by CreateReactApp
- fix npe if there are no javascript assets
- fully support webpack code splitting
- remove classpath scanning for webpack assets completely
- use asset-manifest.json if available (to avoid classpath scanning operations
- set response header 'Indoqa-Boot-Health' with the result of the health check
- increase shutdown check period
- HealthCheckResources: catch exceptions in timeThread;
- HealthCheckResources: no fixedRate scheduling
- Java9 support
- SystemInfo: consistent property names
- health status by head request via business rest service port
- add CompositeHealthIndicator
- Fix health check json output
- introduce health checking (via admin port)
- introduce metrics info (via admin port)
- support heap dumps (via admin port)
- support thread dumps (via admin port)
- error mapping
- expose git.properties if available as system-info
- remove spring-web dependency
- add HtmlResponseModifier to optionally modify html response headers
- use HtmlBuilder to create snippets in frontend resource
- Application: default implementation for isDevEnvironment
- expose admin-port via SystemInfo
- fix bug if admin port is null
- ReactHtmlBulder: allow setting the jsonTransformer
- refactor react html integration
- warn if the HtmlEscapingJacksonTransformer is not used
- shut down if the default port OR the admin port is in use
- register the shutdown resource as admin service if available otherwise as default service
- fix XSS vulnerability if the JSON string is serialized into a <script> tag
- changed the mount of HTML resources from a route to an "after" filter