- change OpenAI API key input to password prompt for security
- add OpenAI API key check and prompt for user input
- add UTF-8 encoding when writing OpenAI API key to .env file
- rename key check function for clarity
- add language selection for LLM analysis
- removing wrong test
- update model name to gpt-4o-mini in LLM analysis
- enhance prompt template for LLM analysis with clearer structure and motivational language
- rename ask_language function to ask_desired_language and update test case
- refactor Dockerfile to use multi-stage build for improved efficiency and security
- update Dockerfile commands to use absolute path for docker executable
- improve code formatting and add comments for clarity
- include cx_Freeze and an executable for main.py
- removing useless else
- add test for removing null columns in preprocessing function
- preprocessing function to remove null columns
- improving prompt
- use a conditional expression for constructing the URL
- removing duplicated methods
- improve error handling for getting the latest downloaded TCX file
- automatically detect and use the latest downloaded TCX file
- add tqdm to euclidian distance calcule
- update params
- allow null path
- change percentage range
- running euclidean distance to remove rows
- Add OpenAI language model for LLM analysis
- Improve LLM analysis prompt in perform_llm_analysis
- Add AI Assistant prompt for LLM analysis
- Add LLM analysis option to validate_tcx_file
- model type
- handle FileNotFoundError
- improving error handling and file detection
- renaming df to dataframe
- Convert Time column to Hour:Minute:Second format
- improve ask_file_path function
- output type
- improving euclidian calc performance
- Preprocess trackpoints data in perform_llm_analysis
- get activity id based in url
- initial version
- add encoding to open module
- python version
- pylint advice
- change parser
- codefactor advice
- boolean return
- using path instead of name
- remove useless imports
- file location handling
- validate TCX file for Bike and Run sports
- add file indentation
- improve script
- remove hardcoded and comments
- swim config
- initial script
- logs language
- Improve TCX file export and formatting