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Hi, I'm Mohamed Najm

A passionate Data analysist from Egypt

  • I’m currently working on [Data Analysis Nanodegree ] from Udacity funded by FWDEygpt


This the third project for the advanced data analysis and it’s about visualization and using Loan Data from Prosper dataset and doing an Investigation for it and gets some insights.

Dataset description

  • This data set contains 113,937 loans with 81 variables on each loan, including loan amount, borrower rate (or interest rate), current loan status, borrower income, and many others. This data dictionary explains the variables in the data set. we are not expected to explore all of the variables in the dataset! Focus your exploration on about 10-15 of them. So, going through this notebook I tried to visual the data and get insights from it And want to use it to answer some questions like:

  • What is the frequency of EmploymentStatus value exist ?

  • What is the frequency of IncomeRange values exist ?

  • What’s the most status for a loan ?

  • what is the Distribution of BorrowerRate?

  • what is the Distribution of Investors ?

  • what is the Distribution of LoanOriginationDate ?

  • What is the distribution od loan over days, months and years ?

  • what is the Distribution of LoanOriginalAmount ?

  • Is there any correlation between the features ? And more question.

what I did

First, going throught data wrangling prosses

which As we known include three phases: gathering, Assessing and define and cleaning.

  • gathering: the data by downloading it and import it using pandas.
  • Assessing and define: Assessing the dataset by two ways: Visually and programmatically to explore it and then define all what it need to cleaned which will be showen later.
  • Data cleaning: in this phase clean all what mentioned above.

Here are some problems I found at the dataset:

  • 871 duplicated rows at ListingNumber, ListingKey and LoanKey
  • many columns with null values
  • many columns we do not need so drop them
  • some columns need to turn its type into date type and maybe split it into columns if needed like: ListingCreationDate, ClosedDate and DateCreditPulled
  • some categries columns need to apply get dummies on it
  • split some columns into two columns like: LoanOriginationQuarter
  • remove the ($) from the columns IncomeRange

Second, Extract the features of interest

Which are: Term, LoanStatus, BorrowerRate, EmploymentStatus, IncomeRange, Investors, Recommendations, LoanOriginationQuarter, LoanOriginationDate, LoanOriginalAmount, StatedMonthlyIncome, DelinquenciesLast7Years, LenderYield, ProsperRating (Alpha), IsBorrowerHomeowner, PercentFunded, ListingCategory(numeric)

Third, Descriptive Statistics

Let’s starting with the summary statistics for the numerical and categorical features before explanatory analysis. 1- The Numerical varibles 2- the categorical variables

What is the structure of your dataset?

  • After cleaning the data, there are 110723 rows of data and after drop columns which not in are interest so, there are 17 columns which are: Term, LoanStatus, BorrowerRate, EmploymentStatus, IncomeRange, Investors, Recommendations, LoanOriginationQuarter, LoanOriginationDate, LoanOriginalAmount, StatedMonthlyIncome, DelinquenciesLast7Years, LenderYield, IsBorrowerHomeowner, ListingCategory (numeric)

  • 12 numeical cloumns and 5 non numerical ones which are: LoanStatus ,EmploymentStatus ,IncomeRange, LoanOriginationQuarter and the last one is a datetime64 type Data Analysis: get insight and answer question using the dataset.

What features in the dataset do you think will help support your investigation ?

  • I think that the borrowers rating will have the highest impact on chances of default. Also I expect that LenderYield and loan amount will play a major role and maybe the category of credit. Prosper rating will depend on stated income and employment status.

And finally Exploration [the main target]

  • Exploration the data to get some insights from graphs to support them, the exploration process include three phases:

Univariate Exploration

In this section, investigate distributions of individual variables. If you see unusual points or outliers, take a deeper look to clean things up and prepare yourself to look at relationships between variables.
- Univariate_Exploration_Conclusions
  first part of the exploration is finished, some questions have been answeres above by graphs like:
  What is the frequance of EmploymentStatus value exist ?
  What is the frequance of IncomeRange values exist ?
  What’s the most status for a loan ?
  what is the Distribution of BorrowerRate?
  what is the Distribution of Investors ?
  what is the Distribution of LoanOriginationDate ?
  What is the distribution od loan over days, months and years ?
  what is the Distribution of LoanOriginalAmount ? 

Bivariate Exploration

Now, To start off with bivarite exploration, In this section, investigate relationships between pairs of variables in your data.

Talk about some of the relationships you observed in this part of the investigation. How did the feature(s) of interest vary with other features in the dataset?
  • From the heatmap I found that:
    • Interestingly, there is no strong correlation between variables in this dataset except between BorrowerRate and lenderYield.

    • There is some positive correlation between LoanOriginalAmount and Term, LoanOriginalAmount and StatedMonthlyIncome, LoanOriginalAmount and number of Investors, number of delinquencies and borrowers rate, Recommendations and TotalProsperLoans.

    • There is also negative correlation between lenderYield and number of investors, LoanOriginalAmount and lenderYield, LoanOriginalAmount and borrower rate and number of investors and borrower rate.

  • IncomeRange with hue by IsBorrowerHomeowner, three section have the true hue over false one and income between 25,000 and 49,999 was the max including number of who has loans.
  • Employment status of individuals with lower ratings tends to be 'Not employed', 'Self-employed', 'Retired' or 'Part-time'.
  • Borrower rate for individuals with low rating is higher. High monthly income corresponds to higher rating.
  • and answer quation like:
    • What is the EmploymentStatus for them?
    • Is hue by BorrowerHomeowner show diffrence in a spacific status?!
    • Is IsBorrowerHomeowner change over Term values?
Did you observe any interesting relationships between the other features (not the main feature(s) of interest)?
  • strong correlation between BorrowerRate and lenderYield, and interesting thing I've observed is that mid-Term (36) is the most frequent Term.

Multivariate Exploration

  • Create plots of three or more variables to investigate your data even further. Make sure that your investigations are justified, and follow from your work in the previous sections.
Talk about some of the relationships you observed in this part of the investigation. Were there features that strengthened each other in terms of looking at your feature(s) of interest?
  • Our initial assumptions were strengthened. The outcome of credit depends on IncomeRange, Term, Employment status. Defaulted credits tend to be larger than completed for all ratings except the lowest ones. Not Employee has highest BorrowerRate. mid term (36 month) is the highest BorrowerRate. income range over than $75,000 tend to have mid_term(36).
Were there any interesting or surprising interactions between features?
  • Looking back on the point plots, it doesn't seem like there's a systematic interaction effect between the features. However, the features also aren't fully independent and have weak corrloration. But it is interesting in something like the BorrowerRate plot for each one against IncomeRange, Term and Employmentstatus.

The End

  • That’s all you can see my work and enjoy it, and if there any thing I can do I will be more than happy to conect.

Connect with me:

mohamed najm