Personal notes to keep track of stuff/thoughts as I go along.
- Minesweeper: Has main, handles the JFrame. Creates timer info (the MapEditor)
- Uses info from the game to set GUI stuff (e.g. timer, mines left, board)
- Game: contains the board, how many mines, the timer
- Board: the board
- Cell: Board have a lot of these. handles states, etc.
- Game
- (N)ew (F2)
- (B)eginner (10 / 9x9)
- (I)ntermediate (40 / 16x16)
- (E)xpert (99 / 16x30)
- (C)ustom (Dialogue asking for height, width, mines) [OK/Cancel]
- Takes default values of the current game
- Smallest board is 9*9 (smallest of any dim is 9)
- Largest board id 30*30 (largest of any dim is 9)
- e.g. input 5x35 -> 9x30
- Fewest mines is 10
- Most mines is 667
- Most mines on 9x9 is 64
- Fewest mines on 30*30 is 10
- (M)arks (?)
- Co(l)our
- (S)ound
- 3 sound I know of - timer ticking (per second), uncovering a mine and winning
- Bes(t) Times
- E(x)it
- Help
- About
- left down -> "press" (do the "push down" animation) current cell and change face to surprised
- left up -> open the current cell and change face to normal
- right down -> toggle flag state on current cell
- if the marks options has been changed AFTER the game started, the next right click should eitiher:
- mark -> blank
- flag -> blank
- blank -> mark
- if the marks options has been changed AFTER the game started, the next right click should eitiher:
- right up -> nothing
- middle down -> "press" all neighbours and change face to surprised
- middle up -> if num flags around the cell == the cell's number, open every other neighbour and change face to normal
- left + right -> same as middle
Otherwise, do nothing
- left down -> "press"
- left leave -> unpress
- left up -> nothing
- left FULL -> reset game, change sprite if necessary
- right anything -> nothing
- middle anything -> nothing
- Starts on the first LEFT click on a cell, keeps ticking until either:
- timer hits 999 (stops ticking entirely, no sounds, no increase)
- game ends (either mine uncovered, game wins or new game)