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Scripts to perform taxonomic cleaning and profiling of metagenomic samples


Theses steps cames after other pipeline (soon it will be here in github) to download, apply quality filter and performs taxonomic annotation in metagenomical samples. We use kraken_report to generate abundance matrix from Bacteria and Archaea groups.

biom_matrix, is a short script made by Rilquer Mascarenhas, who was designed to process report files outputted by kraken into abundance matrix for a specific metagenomic sample or a set of metagenomic samples. This script performs:

  1. Apply a taxonomic filter using the script selectGroups, based on the groups files, to filter out any annotation not referred to Bacteria or Archaea.
  2. For each taxonomic rank defined by the user, uses the selgroups_out file (output from the previous script) into the program kraken-biom, which converts the file to a table in the biom format. Then, uses the biom command from the same program to convert the biom format into a readable tsv format table.
  3. The tsv format is read into the R script modify_tsv, to filter out the results for the specified rank. This script retrieves all reads annotated to a specific taxonomic rank, as well as all reads that were annotated to a higher rank but could not be annotated for the desire rank (e.g., when the desired rank is genus, a number of reads can be annotated only until the family level, and those will be outputted as Unclassified genus in family XXX).

Usage: $ biom_matrix -d kraken_report_files -n standart_name -o output_directory -r taxonomic rank (P,C,O,F,G)


  • -s: Path to the sample to be analyzed (when analysing only one sample, not be used with -d)
  • -d: Path to the directory containing all samples to be collapsed into a single matrix. (not to be used with -s)
  • -n: Expression used to name the analysis of a specific subset (when using the option -d). This will be the name of the final output abundance matrix.
  • -o: Path to the directory where to place final output files. Optional (default is current directory)
  • -r: Taxonomic rank (between Phyla and Species) in which output the final abundance matrix. A vector with one or more of the following: P (for Phyla), C (for Class), O (for Order), F (for Family), G (for Genus) or S (for Species). When using more than one option, they MUST be separated by a comma. Mandatory.
  • --help: Shows this help information.

After this pipeline, we have obtained “.matrix” files that will be used in a R script to give our matrix the format required to other analysis.