- Bug fixes
- Added gamma distribution as an option for the prior on the evaporation effect in both mixSource() and mwlSource()
- iso() now accepts values in a single data.frame
- Bug fixes
- mixSource function now allows optional prior on O-isotope evaporation effect
- iso function now checks for and removes data with missing values
- Bug fixes and error checking
- Add dex function
- Bug and spelling fixes
- Bug fixes
- First CRAN release
- Bug fixes
- Changed default stype option for mwlSource to protect from misuse
- Bug fixes
- Merged functions and documentation from wiDButil package
- Updated documentation and vignette
- Reformatted code to create package
- Added function mwl to calculate stats for a MWL based on H and O data
- Merged fully Bayesian forward model from development branch to master
- Now depends on JAGS
- Added parallel processing using code adapted from R2jags
- Scripts accompanying Bowen et al. (2018) Oecologia