another test
[] share links need to be tweaked for relevance, some only link to the homepage not the individual blog itself
[] link github master branch with AWS S3 so I dont have to manually copy/paste with every edit
[] reduce font size of articles
[] comments section for individual blogs:
- through contentful OR disqus?
- comment model = blog id, date, comment
- get anything imported to contentful through CLI or app.js
- create comment MODEL
- create script for posting comment to CONTENTFUL
- char limit
- not a robot?
[] Reverse cashflow calculator
[] title links black to blue on hover
[] fade in for 'looking for something' types
[] page loader? instead of loading icons =>
[] carousel for the banner img? =>
[] email link? =>
<p><a href=" saw your site..."><span className="icon"><i className="fas fa-envelope"></i></span></a></p>
[] set up intstagram, live, g+ accounts
[] go through InputTooltipInfo & OutputTooltipInfo adding relevant information
[] check translation for both Info and Instructions components, adding any relevant information
[] zapier posts on twitter & facebook should have article titles
[] search bar instead of OR in addition to the dropdown menu ... for articles
[] search/organize articles by keywords
- add a keyword attribute to the post object, Madeline will need to manually add a relevant keyword along with the blog and title
- add a scan function that searches for common words in each post, creating a word cloud or keyword list