Notes from Jitender at:
This directory contains powerpoint presentations
This directory contains references and filtered vcf files are from previous work by Roberto Beillo and others.
Reference files from: Mathers et al., 2020; Chromosome-scale genome assemblies of aphids reveal extensively rearranged autosomes and long-term conservation of the X chromosome (
#Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.fa.pac # Generate the bed file from the GFF3 - by gathering exons for an isoform, input = MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation.gff3
tss-test-from-exons-gene.bed #output from
MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation.gff3 #source? EI?
mperc-gff3.db #
tair10-gff3.db #
This directory contains the filtered SNP .vcf file generated by R.Biello and stats for this data
p-distance is the proportion (p) of nucleotide sites at which two sequences being compared are different. It is obtained by dividing the number of nucleotide differences by the total number of nucleotides compared. describes:
VCF2Dis #VCF2Dis: A new simple and efficient software to calculate p-distance matrix based Variant Call Format.
210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz #input to VCF2Dis - presumably
p_dis.mat #output from VCF2Dis
bcftools stats 210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz > 210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs_stats.txt
distmat calculates the evolutionary distance between every pair of sequences in a multiple sequence alignment. A variety of methods to estimate distance may be selected, and differ in how they correct the observed substitution rates to more accurately reflect the true evolutionary distance. An output file containing a distance matrix for the set of sequences is written. The distances are expressed in terms of the number of substitutions per 100 bases or amino acids. #Generate an ID based p-distmat in for R (p-distance matrix)
p_dis.mat #input for
p_dis_mperc.csv #output of #is also in this top directory, unknown function
The output from p_distance, p_dis_mperc.csv, is used as an input for corehunter
step-size-one is more complete? Has output files including satutration curve files
nano #makes resum and .R scripts for each sample, like submitter does in another folder
#SBATCH --job-name=12
#SBATCH -o 11.out
#SBATCH -e 11.err
#SBATCH --mem 40gb
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8
#SBATCH -p jic-short
# on dmatrix
singularity exec ~/BUILD/ABEL/corehunter.cif Rscript 11.R
echo DONE
nano 11.R:
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx50G")
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx50G")
dist <- distances(file = "p_dis_mperc.csv")
core <- sampleCore(dist, size = 11)
write.table(as.list(core$sel), file = "11_core_sel.csv", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, sep=",") # output
#Core Hunter is a tool to sample diverse, representative subsets from large germplasm collections, with minimum redundancy. Such so-called core collections have applications in plant breeding and genetic resource management in general. Core Hunter can construct cores based on genetic marker data, phenotypic traits or precomputed distance matrices, optimizing one of many provided evaluation measures depending on the precise purpose of the core (e.g. high diversity, representativeness, or allelic richness).
nano #input = 1l_core_sel.csv #output="lablab_core_sel_stepsize1.csv" or similar
Producing the output file: ![[Pasted image 20230502173326.png]] Used to select the minimum number of samples to fully represent the diversity of the dataset.
NJ tree was generated from p_distance combined with corehunter? So doesn't contain all samples just core?
Presumably generation of trees was done locally, using R or another program as there is no record of HPC work to generate them. The same assumption for performing principle component analysis. The /NJ directory primarily contains MDS work.
Contains neighbourhood joining phylogeny tree work and MDS work - using to convert from newick to nexus formatting #nexus formatted tree
mperc_210_newick.tre #newick formatted tree
Figures and images moved to own folder, MDS = multidimensional scaling Principal component analysis starts with a correlation matrix, while multidimensional scaling can start with an inter-subject distance matrix or a correlation matrix. #input = PCA_file_host.csv #output p_dis_mperc-MDS-geo.html #input p_dis_mperc-non-lig.csv #output p_dis_mperc-MDS.html #input PCA_file_host.csv, p_dis_mperc-non-lig.csv #output p_dis_mperc-non-lig-A015-MDS.csv, p_dis_mperc-MDS-recent.html #input p_dis_mperc-non-lig.csv #output test.pdf #input mperc_core_sel.csv #output
PCA_file_host.csv #table containing host and geography information for each samples as well as EV1-4
nano Genome_samples_location_host.txt #list of 106 aphid samples, country and host of origin
#Genome_samples_location_host.xlsx is the same as the above but an excel
RW_labmeeting_19_08_21.pptx #slides on the project unknown author, no script
/CORE/ #input 0_core_sel.csv
/CORE #also contains tree images and other files
Nei's Diversity Index, also known as the Shannon-Nei Index, is a measure of genetic diversity that takes into account both the number of different alleles present and their frequency in the population. It is commonly used in population genetics to compare the genetic diversity of different populations.
The value of nei's index ranges from 0 to 1, with 0 indicating no genetic diversity (all individuals have the same allele) and 1 indicating maximum genetic diversity (all individuals have a different allele). - performing nei's diversity --infile 210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf --outfile #print ['scaffold_' + str(c) for c in range(1,7)]
top500-lines.txt # top 500 lines from bcftoolsCommand=mpileup -Ou --threads 16 --annotate AD,DP -b ./txt/bam_files_fin.txt -R ./txt/scaff01.txt -f /jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/roland/Myzus_periscae_popgen/reference/Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.fa
- Look for the statUs of cyctochrome P450 in genomic and mitochondrial
- Find the copy number variation
- Clonal group "O" marked in the splitree plot
- Comparison(A): Group O versus Prunus, GRC, G006
- O group is a cluster in the PCA plt witj mostly JIC and with some Bass
- Comparison(B): decade old Bass( prefixes S1, S2,..) and and a year old JIC collection
- Note US1L and UK_SB are on the top of each other in the PCA plot
makeblastdb -in Myzus_persicae_O_v2.0.scaffolds.fa -input_type fasta -dbtype nucl -title MP -parse_seqids -out MP
blastn -db MP -query p450-mperc.fa -out p450-hits.txt -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid sstart send qstart qend length mismatch gapopen gaps evalue" -max_target_seqs 5
I cannot find any scripts that would find the Ts/Tv ratio.
The Ts/Tv ratio is often used as a quality indicator of variation data produced from NGS experiments. A higher ratio is an indicator of good quality SNPs, as sequencing errors and false positive variants have a ratio closer to one.
![[Pasted image 20230502174117.png]]
This first level of the directory structure seems to just contain groups of samples and scripts to generate these
What defines these groups? Group 0 is clones of 1 aphid, what are the others?
#Positional SNP diff
#- We find positional SNP diff
#- 11,870,914
#[cheemaj@NBI-HPC interactive TABLE]$ wc -l mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf
# 7,216,966 #of a total 11,870,914 SNPs
#[cheemaj@NBI-HPC interactive TABLE]$
cat vcf_filenames.txt
cat Prunus_group2.txt
cat Prunus_group2.txt | wc -l
cat Prunus_group1.txt | wc -l
cat O_group_sample_names.txt | wc -l
cat G006_group.txt | wc -l
# look to be unique (names of samples) but dont add to 209 or 210?
#Nic.txt looks to be similar to the group names files but isn't in vcf_filenames.txt
cat Nic.txt | wc -l
prunis.txt #is in the same format as those above however is not unique, and does not equal prunus group1+group2?
nano PCA_file_host.csv
#contains information on each of 210 samples:
#what are EV1,2,3,4? #find samples from JIC and from Bass group, input = PCA_file_host.csv
PCA_file_host.csv #input for
What am I looking at with these?:
![[Pasted image 20230502175123.png]] Why?
#This script defines several lists of strings containing names or IDs of different groups, such as group_o, group_G006, group_Nic, group_prunus, group_Prunus_group1, and group_Prunus_group2.
#Then it opens a file named Prunus_group2.txt, reads the lines in the file and appends each line (after removing leading and trailing white spaces) to the list group_o. It then prints the length of group_o and the list itself.
#Finally, it opens a CSV file named PCA_file_host.csv, reads the lines in the file, and for each line, creates a dictionary d mapping the header values to the corresponding field values. It then stores the Collected_by value of each dictionary in a dictionary named geoD with the value as the key. It prints the keys of the geoD dictionary.
This level of the directory structure looks to be where genic SNPs are identified and a program called SweeD is run #extract gene annotation information for chromosomes 1 to 6 and writes this to a new gff3 file
MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation.gff3 #input for
MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation_genes_scaff1-6.gff3 #output of
Finding genic SNPs:
#Finding genic SNPs:
singularity exec /hpc-home/cheemaj/BUILD/PYBEDTOOLS/pybed.simg bedtools intersect \
-a 210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz \
-b MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation_genes_scaff1-6.gff3 \
-header > mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf
Sweed is to do with genic regions as the input is genic-regions.vcf
SweeD implements a composite likelihood ratio test which detects complete selective sweeps using Site Frequency Spectrum (SFS) patterns of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). - The site frequency spectrum summarizes the distribution of allele frequencies throughout the genome, and it is widely used as a summary statistic to infer demographic parameters and to detect signals of natural selection.
SweeD (Sweep Detector, Pavlidis & Alachiotis) -
### sweed
make -f Makefile.PTHREADS.gcc
./SweeD -h
source package /tgac/software/testing/bin/bcftools-1.12
bcftools stats mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf > mperc-210-genic-regions_stats.txt
bgzip -c file.vcf > file.vcf.gz
# 11,870,914
# 7,216,570
cat #runs SweeD
/hpc-home/cheemaj/BUILD/PAML/SweeD_v3.2.1_Linux/SweeD -name mperc-210-genic-regions -input mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf -grid 100
SweeD_Info.mperc-210-genic-regions #output from SweeD
SweeD_Info.mperc-210-genic-regions-SweeD #output from SweeD
SweeD_Report.mperc-210-genic-regions #output from SweeD
SweeD_Report.mperc-210-genic-regions-SweeD #output from SweeD
sw.err #ouput from
sw.out #ouput from
sw.txt #ouput from
cat # 41,304,161 mil snp s #reads medelseq-allele-table-*.tab files and writes them to csv, checking that the no. of columns in correct
I think these are files copied from another project and edited versions for this project are one level down in the directory structure as I do not recognise the .vcf file given as an input in or the sample names. #executes a singularity container to run, the file to run this will be called resum[].sh #polymorphic information content calculated
#Again I do not recoginse this .vcf file, is this copied from another project? why is a singularity container needed to run a python script to collect sample names alone?
bcftools view mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf -Oz -o mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz
bcftools index -t mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz
singularity exec ~/BUILD/ABEL/abel.simg python3
vcf_file = "../SNP.Missing-unphasing.ID.ann.PASS.allele2.DP5_30.MAF001.Missing01.InbreedingCoeff_retain.vcf.gz"
vcf = VCF(vcf_file)
#presumably does what it says on the tin
Where has the printout at the end of these documents come from?:
#input=mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz, MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation_genes_scaff1-6.gff3
#Python script that reads in a VCF file and extracts information for a subset of samples defined by the samples list and reads in a GFF3 file containing gene annotations for specific genomic regions and checks for the presence of variants within those regions in the selected subset of samples. If a variant is present, it records the gene name, chromosome, position, reference allele, alternate allele, and the number of individuals with a homozygous alternate genotype.
#Genotype codes are converted to allele codes: 0: 'HOM_REF', 1: 'HET', 3: 'UNKNOWN', 2: 'HOM_VAR'
#input=mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz, MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation_genes_scaff1-6.gff3
#input=mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz, MYZPE13164_O_EIv2.1.annotation_genes_scaff1-6.gff3
ls -l
#gene: the name of the gene where the variant was found
#CHROM: the chromosome where the variant was found
#POS: the position of the variant on the chromosome
#REF: the reference allele at the variant position
#ALT: the alternate allele(s) at the variant position
#alts: the number of homozygous alternate alleles in the samples for this variant
#extra 2 columns in; combined, group 0, rest
#Defines a python list of all the sample names - nothing else
#finds all samples which are not in group 0, (s = element, so script finds all elements in sample list which are not in group 0 ist)
nano scaffold-lengths.txt #must be the output of something, but what?
nano #must make the discussed curves
#input = mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz
#output = -> this file isnt in this folder
#This script seems to be extracting SNP genotypes from a VCF file for a set of target samples, and calculating the number of SNPs in which each sample has a homozygous variant genotype.
nano /jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/tom_heaven/mperc-analysis-jitender/saskia/position-wise-snp-diff/TABLE/BCF/
#output= resum(N).sh -> there are no files of this name in this folder
#submits individual samples slurm for with custom wrapper.
#import sys
#import os
#import re
#import itertools
#import glob
#import StringIO
#from collections import defaultdict
#def strMUT(text, dic):
# pat = "(%s)" % "|".join(map(re.escape, dic.keys()))
# return re.sub(pat, lambda m: dic[], text)
##SBATCH --job-name=SER
##SBATCH -o BASE.out
##SBATCH -e BASE.err
##SBATCH --mem 40gb
##SBATCH --nodes=1
##SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
##SBATCH -p jic-medium
##SBATCH -t 1-23:00:00
#singularity exec ~/BUILD/ABEL/abel.simg python3 --num NUM --sample SAMPLE
#echo DONE
#samples = ['S98', 'K43', 'K40', 'A166', 'I1', 'A105', 'K16', 'A102', 'NL1', 'Q1200', 'S2B01', 'S2196G', 'NL21', 'S152', 'S232', 'UKW3', 'NL5', 'UK2', 'S204', 'A138', 'Crespys', 'S472', 'S196', 'MG1107', 'S481', 'Lierid$
#for t, base in enumerate( samples, 1):
# #if i not in [4]:## oparse error files
# # continue
# sample = base
# with open('resum'+ str(t) +'.sh','w') as out:
# newst=strMUT(template, {'SER': str(t), 'BASE': base, 'SAMPLE': sample, 'NUM' : str(t) })
# out.write(newst)
# kodaf.write('sbatch ' + 'resum'+ str(t) +'.sh' + '\n')
#print 'Done'
nano #appears to be generating an allele table for a single sample from a VCF file
#input = mperc-210-genic-regions.vcf.gz
#output = mperg-allele-table-{num}.tab -> there are no files of this name in this folder
#The output file would be a tab-separated text file with two columns: the first column would contain the input number (num) and the second column would contain the sample name (sample). The remaining columns would contain the allele information extracted from the VCF file.
#The number of remaining columns would be equal to the number of positions in the VCF file that are within the genic regions (as specified in vcf_file). The values in the remaining columns would be either 0, 2, or an empty string. The 0 indicates a homozygous reference genotype, the 2 indicates a heterozygous or homozygous alternate genotype, and the empty string indicates that the genotype is unknown.
#The number of rows in the output file would be equal to the number of samples specified in the samples list (which is ['S98', 'K43', 'K40'] in the current implementation). Each row would correspond to one sample, and the columns would contain the allele information for that sample at each position.
Unless stated otherwise work was performed from the directory: /jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/tom_heaven/Aphididae
Collecting data:
mkdir -p snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/filtered
cp /jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/tom_heaven/mperc-analysis-jitender/saskia/vcffilesafterfiltering/210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/filtered/.
p-distance is the proportion (p) of nucleotide sites at which two sequences being compared are different. It is obtained by dividing the number of nucleotide differences by the total number of nucleotides compared.
distmat calculates the evolutionary distance between every pair of sequences in a multiple sequence alignment. A variety of methods to estimate distance may be selected, and differ in how they correct the observed substitution rates to more accurately reflect the true evolutionary distance. An output file containing a distance matrix for the set of sequences is written. The distances are expressed in terms of the number of substitutions per 100 bases or amino acids.
source package /nbi/software/testing/bin/bcftools-1.8
bcftools stats snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/filtered/210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz > snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/filtered/210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs_stats.txt
mkdir snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/p_distance
tools/VCF2Dis -InPut snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/filtered/210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz -OutPut snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/p_distance/p_dis.mat
for vcf in $(ls /jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/tom_heaven/Aphididae/snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/filtered/210s.M_persicae.onlySNPs.vcf.gz); do
echo $vcf
sbatch $ProgDir/ $vcf $OutDir $Outfile
#Submitted batch job 54236748
Generate an ID based p-distmat in for R
source package /nbi/software/production/bin/python-2.7.11
from collections import defaultdict
# load distance matrix
acc = defaultdict(list)
acc_order = []
with open('/jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/tom_heaven/Aphididae/snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/p_distance/p_dis.mat') as inp:
for line in inp:
A = line.strip().split()
acc[A[0]] = A[1:]
assert len(acc) == 210
# write the distance matrix in a desired format
with open("/jic/scratch/groups/Saskia-Hogenhout/tom_heaven/Aphididae/snp_calling/Myzus/persicae/biello/gatk/p_distance/p_dis_mperc.csv", "w") as outf:
outf.write(",".join(["ID"] + acc_order) + "\n")
for a in acc_order:
outf.write(",".join([a] + acc[a]) + "\n")
source package /nbi/software/production/bin/python-3.7.2