- Occasional user - user without an account. Pays in cash at Point of Sales.
- Known user - user with an account, linked card, but without a subscription for a meal plan.
- Subscriber - user with an account, who subscribed for regular delivery of food.
- PoS admin - worker at Point of Sale (PoS) who creates transactions for Ocassional users.
- Ordering system - target system to be designed and developed. Responsible for interactions with all kinds of users.
- Kiosk Mgmt system - system responsible for communicating with, and managing stock items in, smart-fridges.
- Ghost Kitchen - system responsible for order execution and food refillment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_kitchen
- User App - web or mobile application for users. Front-end for the Ordering system.
- Inventory update - information for a Ghost Kitchen about required meals.