The C4 model is an approach to architectural diagramming that uses four levels of abstractions:
- Context: the highest level view of a software system, a starting point showing the system in the context of the world
- Container: the applications and data stores that make up the software system
- Component: a grouping of related functionality encapsulated behind a well-defined interface within a Container
- Code: the implementation details of a Component, as shown in UML class diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, etc. Code diagrams are optional and typically auto-generated by development tooling.
Our Context diagram describes ClearView in context of its interaction with external parties and systems.
It displays the users with JobCandidate, Employer, and Administrator roles accessing the system. It also covers the interaction with payment providers, HR (human resources) systems, and an optional integration with LinkedIn API for getting the publicly available company data of the Employers to simplify the registration data entry by the Employers.
The Container diagram shows the high-level deployable containers inside the ClearView system.
The diagram displays the interaction between the parts of the system: Frontend applications, Backend-for-Frontends, RESTful Services, Service Workers (Workflows), and the technologies behind those.
Component diagrams display the inner parts of the containers.