Our dataloader follows Detectron2 contains (1) A dataset registrator. (2) A dataset mapper. (3) A dataset loader. We modify the dataset registrator and mapper for different datasets.
Please follow SAM to prepare your datasets. We recommend you to transfer SAM data into the formats of TSV for faster data loading. We also provide a tsv loader for you.
import json
import base64
tsv_file = '/your/save/path'
index_file = '/your/save/path'
f1 = open(tsv_file, 'w')
f2 = open(index_file, 'w')
Example code: write a single image and its json annotation to
tsv_file: save the image and annotation (forms one data piece)
index_file: save the tsv index of each data piece
ann_start = 0
json_file = '/your/sam/path/json'
image_file = '/your/sam/path/image'
ann = json.load(json_file)
anno = json.dumps(ann)
img = open(image_file, 'rb').read()
img = base64.b64encode(img).decode('utf-8')
lent = 0
# save image_file name
length = f1.write("%s\t"%image_file)
lent += length
# save annotation
length = f1.write("%s\t"%anno)
lent += length
# save image
length = f1.write("%s\n"%img)
lent += length
f2.write("%d %d\n"%(ann_start, lent))
ann_start += lent
You can refer to this example format to write the original SAM data into tsv format for faster data processing.
If you wanna use the original Json format in SA-1B, you can use this mapper we provide.
You can build a image_list.da
to combine all the json and image file of a directory. Here is the example code.
import torch
import os
f_save = open(save_path, 'wb')
files = os.listdir(sam_path)
for f in files:
if f.split('.')[-1]=='jpg':
a.append({'img_name': os.path.join(sam_path, f), 'ann_name': os.path.join(sam_path, f.split('.')[0]+'.json')})
torch.save(a, f_save)
Please Refer to MaskDINO.