SpectClient is a client that runs of Minecraft Forge 1.12.2, it is intended for use on servers which allow client-side modification. SpectClient takes inpiration from many previous clients like osiris, Impact, salhack, and others. This client uses a custom event system, a custom clickGui library, and Forge's 1.12.2 mod api. I intend for this project to be community driven and as open as possible, open access, open development, and open sourced.
This client is on Minecraft 1.12.2, Forge version 1.12.2-, and is coded in 100% java.
check out the website - https://saberaspect.github.io/SpectClient-Website/
- SpectClient uses forge in order to run. if don't already have forge, go to http://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.12.2.html and download the latest or recommended version of forge 1.12.2.
- At the top of this readme, click on the downloads button and select the latest version, or your preferred version.
- Click assets at the bottom of the release, then download the .jar file.
- Type %appdata% in your windows bar and enter. Navigate to .minecraft -> mods (if there is no mods folder than you can add it yourself).
- Drag the SpectClient.jar file that you downloaded earlier into the mods folder.
- The inital keybind for the clickgui is Left Alt.
- Once the clickgui is opened you will see a bunch of categorys, right click to open them up.
- Each category has different modules you may enable by left clicking, or right clicking to open up their settings.
- The settings consist of true or falses, (enable or disable), numbers (sliders to change the value of something), and modes (switches modes).
- You can rebind each module in the settings by clicking keybind (at the bottom of each modules settings), and clicking the button you want to bind the module to.
- To remove a keybing, you press like you are going to assign a key then press the del key, not the backspace key.
- Esc to close the clickgui.
building the client(for programers)
gradlew setupDecompWorkspace gradlew eclipse (for eclipse) or gradlew genIntellijRuns (for intellij) (./gradlew for linux and mac users)
Gui - with arraylist and hacks activated
Just the arraylist and other hud modules
Stack overflow, litteraly everything.
srgantmoomoo - gave me alot of ideas.
mod api - Forge http://files.minecraftforge.net.