The system requires you have:
- Access right to Computer center (台灣國網中心)
- A Windows-based computer with administration access right *
The whole installation process has two parts: 1) Computing Node computer center and 2) local installation
- Standard configuration as Computer center (台灣國網中心)
- Upload the following files to your $HOME directory
- (Stanford's SNAP library )
- snap.pyc (Stanford's SNAP library )
- Install Python library (for Python 2.6 台灣國網中心)
- pip install --user argparse
- pip install --user json
- pip install --user unicodecsv
- pip install --user bitarray
- Upload metadata files to $HOME directory (please pick the file with latest date if multiple)
- metadata.DRUG.feature.TCM.summary.level123.QiFlavorMeri.20170621.csv
- Create a working directory under $HOME directory
- you may have $HOME/incoming for example
- just leave the working directory empty