You can use prebuilt packages if you do not need to modify tensorflow.
We are providing a whl package on github. See releases page.
We have tested on CentOS7.7 and CentOS8.1:
- veos: 2.6.0
- veoffload-aveo: 2.6.0
- python: 3.6
- veos: 2.7.2
- veoffload-aveo: 2.7.1
- python: 3.6
If huge page is enabled on VH, data is transfered using VE DMA. Here is an example to enable huge pages.
% cat /etc/sysctl.d/90-hugepage.conf
% yum install centos-release-scl
% yum install rh-python36 veoffload veoffload-veorun
% yum install python36 python36-devel
Create virtualenv and update package, then install prebuilt packages. If you are using CentOS7, enable scl first.
$ scl enable rh-python36 bash # CentOS7
$ python3.6 -mvenv ~/.virtualenvs/tmp
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/tmp/bin/activate
(tmp)$ pip install -U pip
(tms)$ pip install -U six numpy==1.18.0 wheel setuptools
(tmp)% pip install -U tensorflow_ve-2.3.1-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
Now you can run your scripts.
Important note: Some kernels for VE such as conv2d are optimized for NCHW data format, while default format of TF is NHWC. You may need to rewrite your TF program to support NCHW format.
We have tested on above envirionment with:
- bazel 3.1.0
- gcc 8.3.1 (devtoolset-8)
- git 2.9.3 (rh-git29 on CentOS7) or 2.18.1 (CentOS8)
If you are using CentOS7, install devtoolset and git then enable scl.
$ yum install devtoolset-8 rh-git29 veoffload-devel veoffload-veorun-devel
$ scl enable rh-python36 devtoolset-8 rh-git29 bash
Download bazel 3.1.0 from and install.
Build tensorflow with virtualenv.
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/tmp/bin/activate
(tmp)% pip install keras-preprocessing
(tmp)% ./configure # answer N for all questions. You can probably ignore an error on getsitepackages.
(tmp)% BAZEL_LINKLIBS="-lstdc++" BAZEL_LINKOPTS="" bazel build --jobs 24 --config=ve --config=opt $* //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
(tmp)% ./bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package --project_name tensorflow_ve .
You can see a tensorflow package in current direcotry.
If you have problem on http proxy, try bazel option:'/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/java/cacerts''changeit'
We need BAZEL_LINKLIBS and BAZEL_LINKOPTS. See bazelbuild/bazel#10327.
is an executable for VE and includes kernel implementaions that are
called from tf running on CPU through veoffload.
Prebuilt veorun_tf is included in source tree of tf and whl packages. If you want to add new kernels or write more efficient kernels, you can build veorun_tf by yourself.
llvm-ve is required to build veorun_tf because intrinsic functions provided by llvm-ve are used to write efficient kernels.
You can install the llvm-ve rpm package. See
(tmp)% cd <working directory>
(tmp)% git clone vetfkernel
(tmp)% cd vetfkernel
(tmp)% (mkdir build && cd build && cmake3 -DUSE_PREBUILT_VEDNN=ON .. && make)
You can specify version of ncc/nc++.
(tmp)% (cd build && cmake3 \
-DNCC=/opt/nec/ve/bin/ncc-3.0.6 \
-DNCXX=/opt/nec/ve/bin/nc++-3.0.6 .. && make)
Your veorun_tf can be used by setting VEORUN_BIN.
(tmp)% VEORUN_BIN=<path to your veorun_tf> python ...
We have tested on above envirionment with:
- llvm-ve 1.16.0
- ncc/nc++ 3.0.6