Manages endpoint descriptions as zookeeper nodes.
- Local endpoints are published to zookeeper
- Interests for services in the form of EndpointListener scopes are looked up in zookeeper and the listeners are informed about any changes on the matching endpoints
PID: org.apache.aries.rsa.discovery.zookeeper
Key | Default | Description |
---|---|---| | localhost | Hostname or ipadress of the zookeeper server |
zookeeper.port | 2181 | Client port of the zookeeper server |
zookeeper.timeout | 3000 | Session timeout in ms |
At least an empty config must be present to start the zookeeper discovery. The karaf feature will install such a config by default.
PID: org.apache.aries.rsa.discovery.zookeeper.server
Key | Default | Description |
clientPort | 2181 | Port to listen on for client connections |
tickTime | 2000 | |
initLimit | 10 | |
syncLimit | 5 | |
dataDir | zkdata |
At least an empty config must be created manually to start the zookeeper server.