Class project made in Python3 with Tkinter.
We were asked to create any kind of software with at least:
- 3 logical instructions,
- 3 graphical elements,
- Communication with anything in any manner (network, COM port, ...).
We thought it would be fun to create a graphical interface for difflib.unified_diff(f1, f2, lineterm=nl)
(returns diff line-by-line between two files in an array).
called only on start to print IP onbottomBar
, returns the main IP of the computer,DiffWindow
contains most functions of the software,__init__()
has the window,DiffWindow.fileSelctMaster()
shows a file selector for the master file,DiffWindow.fileSlctSlave()
shows a file selector for the slave file,DiffWindow.whereAmI()
is called everytime user clicks ondiffBox
(big text box), returns where the user just clicked on the screen,DiffWindow.connect()
is called whenever user clicks onconnectBtn
, tellssocket
to connect on whatever is entered inipEntry
on port42000
, as I disablediffBox
, we cannot tell a function to just write into it, we have to enable it, writetext
and disable it again,DiffWindow.diffServer()
, starts a server on port42000
so another window can connect to it and send content,DiffWindow.calcDiff()
, puts a multi line string of the diff betweenf1
, is called to handle errors, and does it in a very simple way: just prints in amessagebox
Whenever DiffWindow
is called, a Tkinter window is created, and another thread for DiffWindow.diffServer()
is started by it, opening port 42000
Windows: Communication works only when you start TkDiff as admin