A multi-user web service with Spring Boot that allows storing, retrieving, updating, and deleting recipes.
POST /api/recipe/new
receives a recipe as a JSON object and returns a JSON object with one id field;
GET /api/recipe/{id}
returns a recipe with a specified id as a JSON object;
DELETE /api/recipe/{id}
deletes a recipe with a specified id.
PUT /api/recipe/{id}
receives a recipe as a JSON object and updates a recipe with a specified id. Also, update the date field too. The server return the 204 (No Content)
status code. If a recipe with a specified id does not exist, the server return 404 (Not found)
. The server respond with 400 (Bad Request)
if a recipe doesn't follow the restrictions indicated above (all fields are required, string fields can't be blank, arrays should have at least one item);
GET /api/recipe/search
takes one of the two mutually exclusive query parameters:
– if this parameter is specified, it returns a JSON array of all recipes of the specified category. Search is case-insensitive, sort the recipes by date (newer first);name
– if this parameter is specified, it returns a JSON array of all recipes with the names that contain the specified parameter. Search is case-insensitive, sort the recipes by date (newer first).
If no recipes are found, the program return an empty JSON array. If 0 parameters were passed, or more than 1, the server return 400 (Bad Request)
. The same response follows if the specified parameters are not valid. If everything is correct, it return 200 (Ok)
POST /api/register
receives a JSON object with two fields: email (string), and password (string). If a user with a specified email does not exist, the program saves (registers) the user in a database and responds with 200 (Ok)
. If a user is already in the database, respond with the 400 (Bad Request)
status code. Both fields are required and must be valid: email should contain @ and . symbols, password should contain at least 8 characters and shouldn't be blank. If the fields do not meet these restrictions, the service should respond with 400 (Bad Request)
. Is used BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder before storing a password in a database.
All implemented endpoints (except /api/register
) is available only to the registered and then authenticated and authorized via HTTP Basic auth users. Otherwise, the server respond with the 401 (Unauthorized)
status code.
Additional restrictions – only an author of a recipe can delete or update a recipe. If a user is not the author of a recipe, but they try to carry out the actions mentioned above, the service respond with the 403 (Forbidden)
status code.
For testing purposes, POST/actuator/shutdown
is available without authentication.
Example 1 - POST /api/recipe/new
request without authentication:
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Status code: 401 (Unauthorized)
Example 2 - POST /api/register
request without authentication:
"email": "Cook_Programmer@somewhere.com",
"password": "RecipeInBinary"
Status code: 200 (Ok)
Example 3 - POST /api/recipe/new
request with basic authentication; email (login): Cook_Programmer@somewhere.com, and password: RecipeInBinary:
"name": "Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
"id": 1
Example 4 - PUT /api/recipe/1
request with basic authentication; email (login): Cook_Programmer@somewhere.com, password: RecipeInBinary:
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Status code: 204 (No Content)
Example 5 - GET /api/recipe/1
request with basic authentication; email (login): Cook_Programmer@somewhere.com, password: RecipeInBinary:
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"date": "2020-01-02T12:11:25.034734",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Example 6 - POST /api/register
request without authentication:
"email": "CamelCaseRecipe@somewhere.com",
"password": "C00k1es."
Status code: 200 (Ok)
Further response for the GET /api/recipe/1
request with basic authentication; email (login): CamelCaseRecipe@somewhere.com, password: C00k1es.
"name": "Fresh Mint Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"date": "2020-01-02T12:11:25.034734",
"description": "Light, aromatic and refreshing beverage, ...",
"ingredients": ["boiled water", "honey", "fresh mint leaves"],
"directions": ["Boil water", "Pour boiling hot water into a mug", "Add fresh mint leaves", "Mix and let the mint leaves seep for 3-5 minutes", "Add honey and mix again"]
Further PUT /api/recipe/1
request with basic authentication; email (login): CamelCaseRecipe@somewhere.com, password: C00k1es.
"name": "Warming Ginger Tea",
"category": "beverage",
"description": "Ginger tea is a warming drink for cool weather, ...",
"ingredients": ["1 inch ginger root, minced", "1/2 lemon, juiced", "1/2 teaspoon manuka honey"],
"directions": ["Place all ingredients in a mug and fill with warm water (not too hot so you keep the beneficial honey compounds in tact)", "Steep for 5-10 minutes", "Drink and enjoy"]
Status code: 403 (Forbidden)
Further DELETE /api/recipe/1
request with basic authentication; email (login): CamelCaseRecipe@somewhere.com, password: C00k1es.
Status code: 403 (Forbidden)