Thank you for reading this, we are always in need of volunteer developers to help this project remain strong.
We require that all new submitted code be thoroughly tested.
Code submitted without any unit testing will be rejected. To run the test coverage locally, run gradle jacocoReport
and review the results in build/reports/jacoco
Please send a GitHub Pull Request to MinesJTK/jtk with a clear list of what you've done.
Start reading our code and you'll get the hang of it. We optimize for readability:
- We indent using two (2) spaces (soft tabs)
- We always line break if the code exceeds 78 columns in width.
- We document every public and protected method using official javadoc documentation.
- We use standard camelCase nomenclature for methods and variables, no under_scoring.
- This is open source software. Consider the people who will read your code and make it legible for them.
Thank you!