Tested API Untest API Building API Tested Method Extendable Method Scheduled
![mysql](https://www.mysql.com/common/logos/logo-mysql-170x115.png =103x70)
![flask](https://miro.medium.com/max/438/1*0G5zu7CnXdMT9pGbYUTQLQ.png =90x50)
![numpy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1a/NumPy_logo.svg/1200px-NumPy_logo.svg.png =126x50) ![panda](https://www.seekpng.com/png/detail/96-960917_10-working-with-large-datasets-pandas-python.png =240x)
![bokeh](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSs3-t-Sk1NFYyvwc30rTNTPedDtmP5HzzKrwhez9nNzBvpenY =100x50) ![matplotlib](https://blog.techbridge.cc/img/kdchang/data-science101/matplotlib/logo.svg =208x50)
![sklearn](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Scikit_learn_logo_small.svg/1200px-Scikit_learn_logo_small.svg.png =93x50) ![keras](https://s3.amazonaws.com/keras.io/img/keras-logo-2018-large-1200.png =172x50) ![Tensorflow](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/fit/t/1600/480/1*37N7BHNaEsXPaerNQ8wBdA.png =230x70)
- Engine
- Connection in this project
from utils import sql db=sql() #write db.cursor.execute("some sql here") db.conn.commit() #rollback db.conn.rollback() #read db.cursor.execute("select * from ...") data=[[dd for dd in d] for d in db.conn.fetchall()] #close db.conn.close()
- Tables and columns
- run
- clone the repository
- build the database
- Under root folder, create
foler - Under root folder, create a
which is the config of the system[DEFAULT] host=the_IP_of_incore port=the_port_of_incore secretkey=the_Secret_Key(can be any string) dbhost=the_IP_of_sqlDB dbuser=the_username_of_sqlDB dbpwd=the_password_of_sqlDB dbschema=the_schema_of_sqlDB
- Under root folder, run
python3 apps.py
Two ways to enable debug mode (auto clone, auto restart)
- Under root folder, run
python3 apps.py --debug
- Change
When requesting a service, the request should contain a jwt token token
to validate the request source.
Contact DevOps for the audience in jwt.
The validator is tokenValidator
in src/utils.py
- file location:
- Description: File folder, model folder, acceptable files, acceptable projects are defined in this file.
- Usage: In each py
- use
from params import params
to import - create instance
- Then get var with
- use
- Folder location:
- Description: get system settings
[API] getDataProject
Description: Get supported project of one dataType
GET http://host/sys/dataproject
{ "status": Enum("success","error"), "msg": "error msg", "data": { "num": [ "regression", "classification", "abnormal", "clustering" ], "cv": [ "regression", "classification" ], "nlp": [ "regression", "classification" ] } }
[API] getDataExtension
Description: Get supported extension of one dataType
GET http://host/sys/dataextension
with param{ "datatype": Enum("num", "cv", "nlp") }
and get response
{ "status": Enum("success", "error") "msg": "error msg", "data": { [ ".ext1", ".ext2" .... ] } }
- Folder location:
- Description: this service contains upload, download, getColumn, getFileStatus, delete API
[API] dataUpload
File location:
Description: This py is a upload API. When uploading a file, the service will check the file type and project type. Then generate a file UID. After that, the service will check the file content with checkers in
. -
POST http://host/data/upload
with a form{ "file": binaryFile, "type": "dataType ( num/cv/nlp)", "token": "token_string" }
and get a response
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "fileUid": "the_generated_file_uid" } }
Acceptable file types and their rules:
- Numerical project: A
with column name and their values. The values should be numerical data (classifiable text will be supported in v2.0). For example:temp,humidity,quantity 30.57,43,6 22.89,99,30
- NLP project: A
with column name. For project with label, there should be at least one column which contains the numerical value. For example:orSentence1 value value2 I am happy 1 1 I am sad 0 0
Sentence1 Sentence2 value I am happy So am I :) 1 I am happy I am a student 0
- CV project: A
file. There should be a (only one)csv
file in the zip directly, not in a folder. For project with label, here should be at least one column that contains the numerical value. Other columns are the image file path (related path in zip). For example:and the csv isfile.zip |--lables.csv |--folder_foo | |--imga.jpg | |--imgb.png | |--folder_bar | |--imgk.JPEG | |--imgl.png |--imgt.jpg
filepath,value folder_foo/imga.jpg,1 folder_foo/imgb.png,1 folder_bar/imgk.JPEG,0 folder_bar/imgl.png,0 imgt.jpg,1
- Numerical project: A
[API] dataDownload
File location:
Description: Download file
GET http://host/data/download
with a form{ "fileUid": "file_id" }
and get a binary response
[API] dataDelete
File location:
Description: Delete file
POST http://host/data/delete
with a form{ "fileUid": "file_id", "token": "token_string" }
get a json
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{} }
[API] getColumn
File location:
Description: Get column names and types
POST http://host/data/getcol
with a form{ "fileUid": "file_id", "token": "token_string" }
get a json
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "cols":[ { "name": "col1_name", "type": Enum("int", "float", "path", "string"), "classifiable": Enum(1,0) } ] } }
[API] getFileStatus
File location:
Description: Get file (batch) status
POST http://host/data/getstatus
with a form{ "fileUid":(a json list string) "["file_id1", "file_id2"]", "token": "token_string" }
get a json
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "status":[Enum(0, 1), Enum(0, 1)] } }
0 for not in-use, 1 for in-use
[Method] fileUidGenerator
File location:
Description: Generate unique file id
from service.dataService.utils import fileUidGenerator uid=fileUidGenerator().uid
[Method] fileChecker
File location:
Description: Validate file content
from service.dataService.utils import fileChecker fileCheck=fileChecker(savedPath,dataType).check()
[Method] getColType
File location:
Description: Get column names and type
from service.dataService.utils import getColType coltype=getColType(savedPath,dataType).check()
This is how
looks like:[ { 'name':col1_name, 'type':col1_type Enum("int", "float", "string", "path"), 'classifiable': Enum(1, 0) }, { 'name':col2_name, 'type':col1_type Enum("int", "float", "string", "path"), 'classifiable': Enum(1, 0) }... ]
[Method] getDf
File location:
Description: Get column names and type
from service.dataService.utils import getColType data=getDf(savedPath,dataType).get()['data']
Data is a dataframe.
- filelocation:
- Description: Use
to show data and image. If the data is not supported by bokeh, it will return the image result ofmatplotlib
and shown by bokeh.
For showingbokeh
, please refer to section 2 of this article.
[API] getDataVizAlgoList
File location:
Description: get data visualize algorithm
GET http://host/viz/data/getalgo
get a json
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ { "algos":[ { "friendlyname":"algoname1", "lib":"used lib", "algoname":"algo1", "data":{ "x":"float", -> need a x col and must be float or int "y":"string", -> need a y col and must be string "value":"none" -> not needed }, "description":"2D line plot" -> algo description }, { "friendlyname":"algoname2", "lib":"used lib", "algoname":"algo2", "data":{ "x":"int", -> need a x col and must be int "y":"path", -> need a y col and must be path "value":"float" -> need a value col and must be float }, "description":"2D scatter plot" -> algo description } ] } } }
[API] dataViz
File location:
Description: Visualizing data
POST http://host/viz/data/do
with param{ "fileUid": "fileID", "algoname": "algoname", "datacol": (a json string) "{ "x":"col_name1", "y":"col_name2", "value":"col_name3" }" "token": "token_string" }
and get a response
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "div": "div of bokeh", "script": "script of bokeh" } }
[API] getImg
File location:
Description: Get binary img
GET http://host/viz/getimg
with paramuid='imguid' action='get'/'download'
- BaseClass File location:
[CORE] missingFiltering
- File location:
- Discription: Filt missing value of number, string and path.
- ==Usage==:
get a filted dataArgs:
- data: A 2D array of data
- coltype: colType Enum("int", "float", "string", "path")
- doList: filt the column or not
- pathBase: the base folder of CV file. (OPTIONAL)
filted_data=missingFitering().filtCols( [[dataCol1],[dataCol2]..], ["dataColType1","dataColType1"], [True,False], path_of_file (cv folder) )
get a 2D array of filted data
get which row to be retainedArgs:
- data: A 2D array of data to check missing value
- coltype: their colType
- pathBase: the base folder of CV file. (OPTIONAL)
retainIndex=missingFiltering().getRetainIndex( [[dataCol1],[dataCol2]..], ["dataColType1","dataColType1"], path_of_file (cv folder) )
get a 1D np array of retain or not
[CORE] [EXTENDABLE] normalize
File location:
Discription: Normalize the column
Call imeplemented algo class,
to normalizeArgs:
- data: A 1D array of data
get a 1D array of normalized data
[CORE] [EXTENDABLE] outlierFiltering
File location:
Discription: Filt outlier
Call imeplemented algo class,
get which row to be retainedArgs:
- data: A 1D array of data to check missing value
get a 1D np array of retain or not
[CORE] [EXTENDABLE] stringCleaning
File location:
Discription: Clean string
Call imeplemented algo class,
to get a clean stringArgs:
- data: A string
get a 1D np array of retain or not
[CORE] [EXTENDABLE] correlation
File location:
Discription: Clean string
Call imeplemented algo class,
to get a clean stringArgs:
- fileUid
get a correlation dataframe and its bokeh div and script
{ "div": "bokeh div", "script": "bokeh script", "dataframe": dataframe }
[API] getPreprocessAlgo
File location:
Description: get preprocess algorithm list
GET http://host/preprocess/getalgo
get a json
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error msg", "data": { "normalize": [ { "friendlyname": "Min-Max to 0~1", "algoname": "minmax01" } ], "outlierFiltering": [ { "friendlyname": "1st standard deviation ", "algoname": "std1" }, { "friendlyname": "2nd standard deviation ", "algoname": "std2" }, { "friendlyname": "3rd standard deviation ", "algoname": "std3" } ], "stringCleaning": [ { "friendlyname": "remove punctuation", "algoname": "punctuation" } ] } }
[API] doPreprocess
File location:
Description: preprocess a file and save it to another file
POST http://host/preprocess/do
with param{ "fileUid": "fileID", "action": (a json string) "[ { "col":"colname1", "missingFiltering": "0", -> no needed "outliterFiltering": "0", -> no needed "normalize": "0", -> no needed "stringCleaning": ["0"] -> no needed }, { "col":"colname2", "missingFiltering": "1", -> filt missing value "outliterFiltering": "algoname", -> use algoname to filt outlier "normalize": "algoname", -> normalize using algoname "stringCleaning": ["0"] -> a numerical column, no needed }, { "col":"colname3", "missingFiltering": "1", "outliterFiltering": "0", -> string column, no needed "normalize": "0", -> string column, no needed "stringCleaning": ["algoname1","algoname2"] -> use algo1 and algo2 to clean the string } ]", "token": "token" }
and get a response
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "fileUid": "uid of file after preprocessing" } }
[API] previewPreprocess
File location:
Description: Preview the result of preprocessed ==numerical== column (classifiable text will be supported in v2.0)
POST http://host/preprocess/preview
with param{ "fileUid": "fileID", "action": (a json string) "[ { "col":"colname1", "missingFiltering": "0", "outliterFiltering": "0", "normalize": "minmax01", "stringCleaning": ["0"] } ]", "token": "token_string" }
and get a response
- if figure is plotted:
{ "status": "success" or "error", "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "msg":"preprocess result message", "beforeComp":{ "div":"the bokeh div of before", "script":"the bokeh script of before" }, "afterComp":{ "div":"the bokeh div of after", "script":"the bokeh script of after" }, } }
- if no figure is plotted:
{ "status": "success" or "error", "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "msg":"preprocess result message", "beforeComp":"None", "afterComp":"None" } }
[API] getCorrelationAlgoList
File location:
Description: get data correlation algorithm
GET http://host/correlation/getalgo
get a json
{ "status": "success", "msg": "", "data": [ { "friendlyname": "Pearson Correlation", "algoname": "pearson" } ] }
[API] doCorrelation
File location:
Description: get correlation of a data (ONLY FOR NUM PROJECT)
POST http://host/correlation/do
with param{ "token": "token" "fileUid": "fileID", "algoname": "the algo name from getCorrelationAlgo response" }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" or "error", "msg": "error_msg", "data":{ "div": "bokeh div", "script": "bokeh script" } }
[CORE][EXTEND] Analytic Core
digraph hierarchy {
//nodesep=1.0 // increases the separation between nodes
node [color=Red,fontname=Courier,shape=box] //All nodes will this shape and colour
edge [color=Blue, style=dashed] //All the lines look like this
analyticBase->{regressionBase classificationBase abnormalBase clusteringBase}
regressionBase->{regAlgo1 regAlgo2 regAlgoN}
classificationBase->{claAlgo1 claAlgo2 claAlgoN}
abnormalBase->{abnAlgo1 abnAlgo2 abnAlgoN}
clusteringBase->{cluAlgo1 cluAlgo2 cluAlgoN}
- All classes are child classes of
- Four child PROJECT classes
are designed to adapt each kind of training purpose - To train:
alg=algo(algoInfo,fileID,'train') # algoInfo is defined in doModelTrain modelID=algo.train()
- To predict:
alg=algo(algoInfo,fileID,'predict',modelID) alg.predictAlgo() processedFileID,predictedFileID=alg.predict()
- To test:
alg=algo(algoInfo,fileID,'test',modelID) alg.predictAlgo() result=alg.test() ''' result={ "text": "The testing result", "fig":{ "fig1Name":{ "div": "bokeh div", "script": "bokeh script" }, "fig1Name":{ "div": "bokeh div", "script": "bokeh script" } } } '''
- To develop a new PROJECT class, implement:
- Test: Generate testing result (loss, accuracy....) as text by
. Save the string toself.txtRes
- projectVisualize: Generate visualization of model and result by
. The bokeh figures should be saved toself.vizRes
as{ "fig1Name":{ "div": "bokeh div", "script": "bokeh script" }, "fig2Name":{ "div": "bokeh div", "script": "bokeh script" } }
- Test: Generate testing result (loss, accuracy....) as text by
[API] getAnalyticAlgoList
File location:
Description: get analytic algorithm list
GET http://host/analytic/getalgo
with param{ "dataType": "cv", "projectType": "classification" }
get a response
{ "status": "status", "msg": "error msg", "data": ["algo1","algo2"] }
[API] getAnalyticAlgoParam
File location:
Description: get parameter of an analytic algorithm
GET http://host/analytic/getparam
with param{ "dataType":"num", "projectType":"regression", "algoName": "algonameYouWantToKnow" }
get a response
{ "status": "status", "msg": "error msg", "data": { "dataType": "num", "projectType":"regression", "algoName": "algonameYouWantToKnow", "description": "the description" "lib":"sklearn" / "keras", "param":[ { "name": "param1Name", "description": "param1 Description", "type": "int", "upperBound": upperBound, "lowerBound": lowerBound, "default":20 }, { "name": "param2Name", "description": "param2 Description", "type": "float", "upperBound": upperBound, "lowerBound": lowerBound, "default":23.2 }, { "name": "param3Name", "description": "param3 Description", "type": "bool", "default":1 }, { "name": "param4Name", "description": "param4 Description", "type": "enum", "list": ["option1","option2","option3"], "default":"option2" }, { "name": "param5Name", "description": "param5 Description", "type": "string", "default":"default string " } ], "input":[ { "name": "input1Name", "description": "input1 description", "type": "float", "amount": "multiple", "required": }, { "name": "input2Name", "description": "input2 description", "type": "classifiable", "amount": "single" }, { "name": "input3Name", "description": "input3 description", "type": "string", "amount": "single" }, { "name": "input4Name", "description": "input4 description", "type": "path", "amount": "single" } ], "output":[ { "name": "output1Name", "description": "output1 description", "type": "float" }, { "name": "output2Name", "description": "output2 description", "type": "classifiable" }, { "name": "output3Name", "description": "output3 description", "type": "string" }, { "name": "output4Name", "description": "output4 description", "type": "path" } ] # For unsupervised project, its a empty list } }
[API] doModelTrain
- File location:
- Description: perform a model training
- ==Usage==:
POST http://host/analytic/train
with param (algoInfo in core)and get a response{ "token": "token", "fileUid": "file id", "dataType": "num", "projectType": "classification", "algoName": "the algoname from getAlgoList", "param": (A json string) "{ "param1Name" : 0.87, # float example "param2Name" : 30, # int example "param3Name" : 0, # bool example "param4Name" : "option1", # enum example "param5Name" : "string" # string example }", "input": (A json string) "{ "input1Name" : ["col1","col2"], # multiple input example "input2Name" : ["col3"], # single input example }", "output": (A json string. Pass "{}" for unsupervised project) "{ "output1Name" : "col4", "output2Name" : "col5" }" }
{ "status": "success"/"error", "msg": "error msg", "data": { "modelUid": "modelUid" } }
[API] stopTraining
File location:
Description: stop a model training
DELETE http://host/analytic/stop
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid" }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" / "error", "msg": "error msg", "data": {} }
[API] getModelPreview
File location:
Description: get the preview of model
GET http://host/analytic/preview
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid" }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" / "error", "msg": "error msg", "data": { "text": "the preview text", "fig": { "fig1Name":{ "div": "fig1 div", "script": "fig1 script" } } } }
[API] doModelPredict
File location:
Description: perform tprediction on a model using another file
POST http://host/analytic/predict
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid", "fileUid": "fileUid", "preprocess": Enum(1, 0) }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" / "error", "msg": "error msg", "data": { "preprocessedFileUid": "preprocessedFid", ("None" for no preprocess) "predictedFileUid": "predictedFid" } }
[API] doModelTest
File location:
Description: perform test on a model using another file
POST http://host/analytic/test
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid", "fileUid": "fileUid", "label": "label of abnormal detection testing" }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" / "error", "msg": "error msg", "data": { "text": "the test result text", "fig": { "fig1":{ "div": "fig1 div", "script": "fig1 script" } } } }
[API] deleteModel
File location:
Description: delete model
POST http://host/analytic/delete
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid" }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" / "error", "msg": "error msg", "data": {} }
[API] getModelStatus
File location:
Description: get the status of a model
GET http://host/analytic/get/status
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid" }
and get a response
{ "status": Enum("success", "error"), "msg": "error msg", "data": Enum("success", "train", "fail") }
[API] getModelParameter
- File location:
- Description: get the parameter (called algoInfo in code) of a model
- ==Usage==:
GET http://host/analytic/get/param
with formand get a response{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid" }
{ "dataType": "num", "projectType": "classification", "algoName": "the algoname from getAlgoList", "param": (A json string) "{ "paramName1" : 0.87, # float example "paramName2" : 30, # int example "paramName3" : 0, # bool example "paramName4" : "option1", # enum example "paramName5" : "string" # string example }", "input": (A json string) "{ "input1" : ["col1","col2"], # multiple input example "input2" : ["col3"], # single input example }", "output": (A json string. Pass "{}" for unsupervised project) "{ "output1" : "col4", "output2" : "col5" }" }
[API] getModelFailReason
File location:
Description: get the fail reason of a model
GET http://host/analytic/get/fail
with form{ "token": "token", "modelUid": "modelUid" }
and get a response
{ "status": "success" / "error", "msg": "error msg", "data": "the reason" }