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Using k8s-component-operator

The component operator k8s-component-operator is a component for the Kubernetes version of the Cloudogu EcoSystem (K8s-CES). This operator allows to easily install, upgrade or delete components. These components in turn provide required services to the EcoSystem.

Installing the component operator

Configure helm repository

To initially install the component operator, a log-in to the Cloudogu Helm registry is required.

$ helm registry login -u myuser
Password: ************************
Login succeeded

For later K8s CES components, this helm repository log-in is unnecessary, since the component operator has its own configuration. See the next section Configure credentials.

Configure credentials

The component operator has its own configuration regarding endpoint and credentials. When the K8s-CES instance is able to access the internet, the endpoint and credentials are identical to those of the Dogu registry:

  • Endpoint: oci://
  • Credentials: The same user/password as those from the secret k8s-dogu-operator-dogu-registry

This configuration can be manually created for the cluster namespace ecosystem as follows:

$ kubectl -n ecosystem create configmap component-operator-helm-repository --from-literal=endpoint="${HELM_REPO_ENDPOINT}" --from-literal=schema=oci
$ kubectl -n ecosystem create secret generic component-operator-helm-registry \
  --from-literal=config.json='{"auths": {"${HELM_REPO_ENDPOINT}": {"auth": "$(shell printf "%s:%s" "${HELM_REPO_USERNAME}" "${HELM_REPO_PASSWORD}" | base64 -w0)"}}}'

Install component operator

Normally the component operator is installed by k8s-ces-setup. This can be achieved in a manual way for the cluster namespace ecosystem and the helm registry namespace k8s as follows:

$ helm install -n ecosystem k8s-component-operator oci://${HELM_REPO_ENDPOINT}/k8s/k8s-component-operator --version ${DESIRED_VERSION}

Uninstall component operator

$ helm uninstall -n ecosystem k8s-component-operator

Install or upgrade components

To install or upgrade components, a Custom Resource (CR) for each desired component must be applied to the cluster in the correct cluster namespace.

Example of a component resource (e.g. as k8s-longhorn.yaml and from the Helm registry namespace k8s):

kind: Component
  name: k8s-longhorn
  name: k8s-longhorn
  namespace: k8s
  version: 1.5.1-1
  deployNamespace: longhorn-system
  valuesYamlOverwrite: |
        backupTargetCredentialSecret: my-longhorn-backup-target

Important and must be equal. Otherwise the installation will fail.

CRs like this can then be applied to the cluster:

kubectl -n ecosystem apply -f k8s-longhorn.yaml

The component operator now starts installing the component. Dependencies to other k8s-CES components and their versions must be fulfilled (this is checked by the component operator). For more information on this topic can be found in the section Dependencies to other components.

Examples of component resources are located in the config/samples directory

Fields and their meaning:

A component CR consists of various fields. This section describes these:

  • The component name of the Kubernetes resource. This must be identical to
  • The component name as it appears in the Helm registry. This must be identical to
  • .spec.namespace: The component namespace in the helm registry.
    • Using different component namespaces, different versions could be deployed (e.g. for debugging purposes).
    • This is not the cluster namespace.
  • .spec.version: The version of the component in the helm registry.
  • .spec.deployNamespace: (optional) The k8s-namespace, where all resources of the component should be deployed. If this is empty the namespace of the component-operator will be used.
  • .spec.valuesYamlOverwrite: (optional) Helm-Values to overwrite configurations of the default values.yaml file. Should be written as a multiline-yaml string for readability.

Uninstall components


Deleting components that maintain a state may jeopardize the stability of the K8s-CES installation. This is especially (but not exclusively) true for the component k8s-etcd.

  • Deleting a component CR from the cluster can be done in two ways:
    1. by deleting a component from an existing component CR file, e.g. kubectl -n ecosystem delete -f k8s-dogu-operator.yaml.
    2. by specifying of the components, e.g. kubectl -n ecosystem delete component k8s-dogu-operator.
  • The component operator will now start uninstalling the component

Dependencies to other components

K8s-CES components may depend on other k8s-CES components. To ensure that a component is fully functional, the component operator checks any dependency requirements during the installation/upgrade process to see if such component dependencies are present and that they have the correct version.

If one or more components are missing or do not have the correct version, a corresponding event will be written to the component resource. Such errors can be discovered by kubectl describeing the component resource, like so:

$ kubectl -n ecosystem describe component k8s-dogu-operator

In that case, the components in question must be manually installed or upgraded.

The versions to dependencies are declared in the helm chart during the component development. These can usually not be changed at the time of installation.