Examples of all responses and requests to and from server/client are described below.
: The response after connecting
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.response.RegisterForPlayResponse',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
'requestId': 'fb241038-4524-48b4-b5f5-0850f0b73096',
'sessionId': 'a33f3dde-16d1-482d-98c4-52ee6873b23f',
: when the play has - well - started. It contains a list of players and their current chip count, which players are acting as dealer, big blind and small blind together with the current amounts for big- small blinds. If you want to find the game in the web interface you can search for it with the tableId under the tab called "Show games".
{ 'name': 'Rookie', 'chipCount': 10000 },
{ 'name': 'Hellmuth', 'chipCount': 10000 },
{ 'name': 'Cautious', 'chipCount': 10000 },
{ 'name': 'Raiser', 'chipCount': 10000 },
{ 'name': 'JohnnyPuma', 'chipCount': 10000 },
{ 'name': 'Sensible', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'smallBlindAmount': 5,
'bigBlindAmount': 10,
'dealer': { 'name': 'Rookie', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'smallBlindPlayer': { 'name': 'Hellmuth', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'bigBlindPlayer': { 'name': 'Cautious', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'tableId': 32,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayIsStartedEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Whenever a card is added to the Community all clients recieve this event.
'card': { 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.CommunityHasBeenDealtACardEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Big blinds are placed automatically by the game server. A notification is sent to all clients when this happens. The player placing the big blind and the amount is included in the event.
'player': { 'name': 'Cautious', 'chipCount': 9990 },
'bigBlind': 10,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerBetBigBlindEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Small blinds are placed automatically by the game server. A notification is sent to all clients when this happens. The player placing the small blind and the amount is included in the event.
'player': { 'name': 'Hellmuth', 'chipCount': 9995 },
'smallBlind': 5,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerBetSmallBlindEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Whenever a client needs to take som action an ActionRequest is sent to that client. It contains a list ofpossibleActions
currently available and the amount of chips it costs. Whenever this request is received the client has a specified time (default 3 seconds) to send a response. SeeActionResponse
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.request.ActionRequest',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
'sessionId': null,
'requestId': 'be6370aa-7dde-4b69-8e57-60b90f3836f8',
{ 'actionType': 'FOLD', 'amount': 0 },
{ 'actionType': 'CALL', 'amount': 10 },
{ 'actionType': 'ALL_IN', 'amount': 10000 },
{ 'actionType': 'RAISE', 'amount': 20 },
: This is the response to anActionRequest
. It includes the choosen action and possibly an amount.
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.response.ActionResponse',
'requestId': 'be6370aa-7dde-4b69-8e57-60b90f3836f8',
'action': { 'actionType': 'RAISE', 'amount': 20 },
: When a player calls all clients are notifed. The amount necessary to call is included in the event.
'player': { 'name': 'Raiser', 'chipCount': 9990 },
'callBet': 10,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerCalledEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Whenever a player checks all clients are informed of this.
'player': { 'name': 'Hellmuth', 'chipCount': 9960 },
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerCheckedEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Whenever a player folds all clients are informed of this. The event includes which player folded and the amount of chips the player had invested in the pot.
'player': { 'name': 'JohnnyPuma', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'investmentInPot': 0,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerFoldedEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: If a client responds to anActionRequiredRequest
with an invalid action or does not respond at all the game server forces a fold.
'player': { 'name': 'JohnnyPuma', 'chipCount': 7540 },
'investmentInPot': 40,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerFoldedEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: If a client is suddenly disconnected
'player': { 'name': 'Rookie', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerQuitEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Whenever a player raises all clients are informed of this. The event includes which player raised and the amount of chips the raise was for.
'player': { 'name': 'Sensible', 'chipCount': 9980 },
'raiseBet': 20,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerRaisedEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Whenever a player goes all in all clients are informed of this. The event includes which player went all in and the amount of chips.
'player': { 'name': 'JohnnyPuma', 'chipCount': 0 },
'allInAmount': 10000,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.PlayerWentAllInEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: This event is dispatched to any connected clients if the server has to be shutdown. Happens very rarely.
'message': 'Server is shutting down for maintenance',
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.ServerIsShuttingDownEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Just after the table enters stateSHOWDOWN
(this means the round is over and a winner has been decided) this event is sent to all clients. It contains a list of participating players, their best possible hand and how much is won. Sometimes the pot needs to be split (for example when a player goes all in but someone raises or if two players have the exact same hand) so there can be payouts to more than one player.
'player': { 'name': 'Cautious', 'chipCount': 9880 },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'DIAMONDS' },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'NINE', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'NINE', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'KING', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
'pokerHand': 'TWO_PAIRS',
'folded': false,
'wonAmount': 0,
'player': { 'name': 'Raiser', 'chipCount': 9880 },
{ 'rank': 'KING', 'suit': 'CLUBS' },
{ 'rank': 'KING', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
'pokerHand': 'TWO_PAIRS',
'folded': false,
'wonAmount': 0,
'player': { 'name': 'Hellmuth', 'chipCount': 9880 },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'KING', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'NINE', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
'pokerHand': 'ONE_PAIR',
'folded': false,
'wonAmount': 0,
'player': { 'name': 'Sensible', 'chipCount': 9880 },
{ 'rank': 'KING', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'QUEEN', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'TEN', 'suit': 'DIAMONDS' },
{ 'rank': 'NINE', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
'pokerHand': 'STRAIGHT',
'folded': false,
'wonAmount': 0,
'player': { 'name': 'Rookie', 'chipCount': 10480 },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'CLUBS' },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'FOUR', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'HEARTS' },
{ 'rank': 'JACK', 'suit': 'SPADES' },
'pokerHand': 'FULL_HOUSE',
'folded': false,
'wonAmount': 600,
'player': { 'name': 'JohnnyPuma', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'hand': { 'cards': [], 'pokerHand': 'NOTHING', 'folded': true },
'wonAmount': 0,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.ShowDownEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Every time the table changes state all clients will be notified of this. Available states (in order) are: PRE_FLOP, FLOP, TURN, RIVER, SHOWDOWN
'state': 'PRE_FLOP',
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.TableChangedStateEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: When a table stops playing this event is dispatched with a summary of the current chips placement between players. When inTRAINING
mode the table game is ended when your bot has run out of chips. InTOURNAMENT
mode the server can decide to rearrange players to new tables if one table has significantly fewer players.
{ 'name': 'JohnnyPuma', 'chipCount': 0 },
{ 'name': 'Weighted', 'chipCount': 0 },
{ 'name': 'Raiser', 'chipCount': 40000 },
{ 'name': 'Sensible', 'chipCount': 0 },
{ 'name': 'Cautious', 'chipCount': 10000 },
{ 'name': 'Hellmuth', 'chipCount': 10000 },
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.TableIsDoneEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: When ever you are dealt a card you will be notified of which card. A card consists of a rank (DEUCE, THREE ..., KING, ACE) and a suit (CLUBS, DIAMONDS, HEARTS, SPADES).
'card': { 'rank': 'DEUCE', 'suit': 'CLUBS' },
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.YouHaveBeenDealtACardEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',
: Just before theShowDownEvent
all clients are informed of their part of the pot and how many chips the client has left to play for.
'wonAmount': 0,
'yourChipAmount': 8400,
'type': 'se.cygni.texasholdem.communication.message.event.YouWonAmountEvent',
'version': '1.1.22-SNAPSHOT',