- Ron Santos, Input Engineer
Prior to iOS 16, you could use AVFoundation + Vision for data scanning. In iOS 16, we have a new option: the DataScannerViewController
and the VisionKit framework.
User-facing features include:
- Live camera preview
- Helpful guidance
- Item highlighting
- Tap-to-focus
- Pinch-to-zoom
Developer features include:
- It's a
subclass - View coordinates
- Region-of-interest
- Text Content Types
- Multiple symbologies
Supported hardware
- Any 2018 or newer iPhone or iPad with a Neural Engine
- iOS asks the user to ask for explicit permission to access the camera. Add a descriptive reason.
- Go to .plist
- Look for or add a
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
- Input a useful description in the value
import VisionKit
- Use
to hide buttons and functionality on devices that do not support it - Use
to check for availability - i.e. if the user approves the app for camera access & the device is free of restrictions
To configure an instance:
- Specify the type of data you want to scan - i.e. barcode or text, URL, etc.
- Specify the language you expect - i.e. English - or don't specify. If you don't specify, the user's preferred language is used
- When you present it, present it like any other view controller
import VisionKit
// Specify the types of data to recognize
let recognizedDataTypes:Set<DataScannerViewController.RecognizedDataType> = [
.barcode(symbologies: [.qr]),
// uncomment to filter on specific languages (e.g., Japanese)
// .text(languages: ["ja"])
// uncomment to filter on specific content types (e.g., URLs)
// .text(textContentType: .URL)
// Create the data scanner, present it, and start scanning!
let dataScanner = DataScannerViewController(recognizedDataTypes: recognizedDataTypes)
present(dataScanner, animated: true) {
try? dataScanner.startScanning()
- recognizedDataTypes: Text and/or codes and what types of each
- qualityLevel: Balanced, fast, or accurate
- recognizesMultipleItems: Find one item at a time or several
- isHighFrameRateTrackingEnabled: Enable when you want highlights to follow items as closely as possible
- isPinchToZoomEnabled: Allow pinch to zoom
- isGuidanceEnabled: Allow for labels to help the user
- isHighlightingEnabled: Enable system highlighting or draw your own custom highlights
// Specify the types of data to recognize
let recognizedDataTypes:Set<DataScannerViewController.RecognizedDataType> = [
.barcode(symbologies: [.qr]),
.text(textContentType: .URL)
// Create the data scanner, present it, and start scanning!
let dataScanner = DataScannerViewController(recognizedDataTypes: recognizedDataTypes)
dataScanner.delegate = self.present(dataScanner, animated: true) {
try? dataScanner.startScanning()
func dataScanner(_ dataScanner: DataScannerViewController, didTapOn item: RecognizedItem) {
switch item {
case .text(let text):
print("text: \(text.transcript)")
case .barcode(let barcode):
print("barcode: \(barcode.payloadStringValue ?? "unknown")")
print("unexpected item")
- Each
has a unique identifier you can use to track it throughout its lifecycle - Each
has a Bounds property, four points, one for each corner
Called when recognized items in the scene change
// Dictionary to store our custom highlights keyed by their associated item ID.
var itemHighlightViews: [RecognizedItem.ID: HighlightView] = [:]
// For each new item, create a new highlight view and add it to the view hierarchy.
func dataScanner(_ dataScanner: DataScannerViewController, didAdd addItems: [RecognizedItem], allItems: [RecognizedItem]) {
for item in addedItems {
let newView = newHighlightView(forItem: item)
itemHighlightViews[] = newView
- Create custom highlights here
- Keep track of highlights using the ID of its associated item
- When adding new views, add them to
- they appear above the camera's preview, but below any supplemental chrome
// Animate highlight views to their new bounds
func dataScanner(_ dataScanner: DataScannerViewController, didUpdate updatedItems: [RecognizedItem], allItems: [RecognizedItem]) {
for item in updatedItems {
if let view = itemHighlightViews[] {
animate(view: view, toNewBounds: item.bounds)
// Remove highlights when their associated items are removed.
func dataScanner(_ dataScanner: DataScannerViewController, didRemove removedItems: [RecognizedItem], allItems: [RecognizedItem]) {
for item in removedItems {
if let view = itemHighlightViews[] {
Asynchronously returns a high-quality UI image
// Take a still photo and save to the camera roll
if let image = try? await dataScanner.capturePhoto() {
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil)
recognizedItem property - async stream continuously updated as the scene changes
// Send a notification when the recognized items change.
var currentItems: [RecognizedItem] = []
func updateViaAsyncStream() async {
guard let scanner = dataScannerViewController else { return }
let stream = scanner.recognizedItems
for await newItems: [RecognizedItem] in stream {
let diff = newItems.difference(from: currentItems) { a, b in
return ==
if !diff.isEmpty {
currentItems = newItems
- Extract document data using Vision: WWDC21