Activate queries are consistent, even with entities created in the current transaction, so a new entity can be returned in a query. This is achieved by the LiveCache, which implements in memory the behavior of a database.
Remember to use queries inside transactions.
Use only attributes accessors inside a query. If you use a method that isn’t an accessor, Activate can produce a wrong result.
Given this entities:
trait Person extends Entity {
var name: String
class NaturalPerson(var name: String, var motherName: String) extends Person
class LegalPerson(var name: String, var director: NaturalPerson) extends Person
There are some forms of query:
If you have the entity id, this method is the best way to recover the instance. It has better performance. If the entity is already in memory, Activate can avoid a database trip.
The method return is an Option[Person].
Get all persons:
Note that the queries can be made about abstract entities (trait and abstract class).
Get all natural persons with the name “John” and mother name “Mary”.
select[NaturalPerson] where( :== "John", _.motherName :== "Mary")
Activate query operators are preceded by a “:”.
The available operators are :||, :&&, :==, :!=, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, isNull and isNotNull.
You have to use parenthesis to Scala recognize the implicit conversions to Query. Example:
Get all natural persons with the name “John” or mother name “Mary”.
select[NaturalPerson] where(person => ( :== "John") :|| (person.motherName :== "Mary"))
It is possible to query collections using the in and notInt operators. Examples:
query {
(e: MyEntity) => where( select (e)
select[MyEntity].where(_.age notIn List(20, 30))
Activate supports queries that matches strings by using the operators like and regexp.
Natural persons that the name start with “John”:
select[NaturalPerson] where( like "John*")
Use “*” to indicate any sequence of characters and “?” to indicate one any character.
Natural persons with numbers on name:
select[NaturalPerson] where( regexp "^.*[0-9].*$")
Activate relies on the storage regex engine, so it’s possible that the query result varies according to the current storage. For memory and prevayler storages, java regex is used.
The “all” and “select where” queries are a simplified form of the complete query:
query {
(person: Person) => where( :== "John") select (person)
It is also possible to define an empty where:
query {
(person: Person) => where() select (person)
It is possible to use toUpperCase(string) and toLowerCase(string) as query functions:
query {
(person: Person) => where(toUpperCase( :== "JOHN") select (person)
Queries using more than one entity or nested properties:
query {
(company: LegalPerson, director: NaturalPerson) => where(company.director :== director) select (company, director)
query {
(company: LegalPerson) => where( :== "John2") select (company)
NOTE: Queries involving more than one entity or nested properties are not supported by MongoStorage.
The complete query form supports the order by clause:
query {
(entity: MyEntity) =>
where(entity.attribute like "A*") select (entity) orderBy (entity.attribute)
If the entity attribute doesn’t support ordering, a compile error with be thrown. It’s possible have multiple order by criterias and/or define directions:
query {
(entity: MyEntity) =>
where(entity.attribute1 like "A*") select (entity) orderBy (entity.attribute1 asc, entity.attribute2 desc)
It is possible to limit the number of returned rows in a query by adding the “limit” clause after the “orderBy”:
query {
(entity: MyEntity) =>
where(entity.attribute like "A*") select (entity) orderBy (entity.attribute) limit(10)
It is possible to define an offset:
query {
(entity: MyEntity) =>
where(entity.attribute like "A*") select (entity) orderBy (entity.attribute) limit(10) offset(20)
Paginated query example:
paginatedQuery {
(entity: MyEntity) =>
where(entity.attribute like "A*") select (entity) orderBy (entity.attribute)
Note that the query must be ordered to be paginated. It returns a Pagination instance. The “navigator” method call produces a navigable pagination interface (PaginationNavigator) using the parameter as the page size.
Methods and values of PaginationNavigator:
val numberOfResults: Int
Total number of lines returned by the query.
val numberOfPages: Int
Number of pages determined by the page size.
def hasNext: Boolean
Indicates if the navigator has a next page.
def next: List[S]
Go to next page and return it.
def page(number: Int): List[S]
Go to the specified page and return it.
def currentPage: List[S]
Return the current page elements.
def firstPage: List[S]
Go to the first page and return it.
def lastPage: List[S]
Go to the last page and return it.
For the complete query form, Activate maintains a parse cache. With this functionality if a query is already parsed before, it is bounded to the current parameters, avoiding to parse again.
This cache doesn’t works with “all” and “select where”. If you have a query that will run too many times, prefer to use the complete query form.
The default query method uses the query parse cache, so it is not possible to define dynamic queries that changes its structure according to the parameters.
Dynamic queries skip the parse cache, so it is possible to define queries like this example:
def someQuery(asc: Boolean) =
dynamicQuery {
(e: MyEntity) =>
where() select (e) orderBy {
if (asc) asc
else desc
The cachedQuery is a mechanism to maintain a in-memory cache of the query results. The cache is consistent with new and modified entities by transactions in the same VM. It is possible to enable the optimistic locking with read validation so the cache can be updated for modified entities in other VMs too. For now, the cache can’t be updated automatically for new entities created in other VMs. This limitation should be resolved on the 1.5 version.
The cache just maintain the entities IDs, so there aren’t strong references to the entities.
Example of a cachedQuery:
cachedQuery {
(person: Person) => where( :== "John")
There isn’t a select clause. Cached queries can be used only to select the entity instances.
The cache is initialized lazily for each set of query input parameters.
By default, Activate queries are lazy and just load the entity id. When needed, the entity values are loaded from the database. To force the entity properties loading it is possible to use eager queries. For example:
query {
(person: Person) => where( :== "John") select(e.eager)
The “eager” keyword can be used only for entities inside the “select” clause. It is also possible to use it for nested properties:
query {
(person: Person) => where( :== "John") select(
To eager load relations, it is necessary to do explicit joins. For example:
query {
(person: Person, contact: Contact) => where( :== contact) select(e.eager, contact.eager)
Activate provides async variations of each query form. The query syntax and operators are the same from non-async queries. Examples:
asyncSelect[NaturalPerson] where( :== "John", _.motherName :== "Mary")
asyncQuery {
(person: Person) => where( :== "John") select (person)
Async queries must be executed inside a asyncTransactionalChain block that provides a TransactionalExecutionContext (the “ctx” parameter):
val aFuture: Future[List[Person]] =
asyncTransactionalChain { implicit ctx =>
It is possible to compose the future using map operations:
val aFuture: Future[Unit] =
asyncTransactionalChain { implicit ctx =>
asyncAll[Person].map {
persons => persons.foreach(_.delete)
There is a async variation for paginated queries too:
val aFuture: Future[AsyncPaginationNavigator[String]] =
asyncPaginatedQuery {
(entity: MyEntity) =>
where(entity.attribute like "A*") select (entity) orderBy (entity.attribute)
Methods and values of AsyncPaginationNavigator:
val numberOfResults: Int
Total number of lines returned by the query.
val numberOfPages: Int
Number of pages determined by the page size.
def hasNext: Boolean
Indicates if the navigator has a next page.
def next: Future[List[S]]
Go to next page and return it.
def page(number: Int): Future[List[S]]
Go to the specified page and return it.
def currentPage: Future[List[S]]
Return the current page elements.
def firstPage: Future[List[S]]
Go to the first page and return it.
def lastPage: Future[List[S]]
Go to the last page and return it.
To use slick lifted embedding queries, add the “activate-slick” module to the project dependencies.
The slick operations are provided by extending the persistence context from the SlickQueryContext:
import net.fwbrasil.activate.slick.SlickQueryContext
object myContext extends ActivateContext with SlickQueryContext {
val storage = ...
A query example:
SlickQuery[MyEntity].filter(_.attribute.col === someValue).execute
Activate can avoid the necessity to declare the slick Table objects, but for each usage of an entity property, it is necessary to add the “.col”, so Activate can create the correspondent Slick column definition.
The “execute” call integrates with the persistence context storage to perform the query and return the results.
Refer to the slick documentation to more information on how to construct slick lifted embedding queries.
Another more complex query:
(for {
c <- SlickQuery[Coffee]
s <- SlickQuery[Supplier].sortBy( if c.supplier.col === s.col
} yield (