A Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
PkiEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | [optional] |
FkiEzmaxinvoicingID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxinvoicing | [optional] |
FkiEzmaxproductID | int | The unique ID of the Ezmaxproduct | |
SEzmaxproductDescriptionX | string | The description of the Ezmaxproduct in the language of the requester | |
DtEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalStart | string | The start date for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
DtEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalEnd | string | The end date for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
IEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalDays | int | The number of days for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalCountreal | string | The count item calculated | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalCountbilled | string | The count item billed | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalSubtotal | string | The Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal subtotal | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRebateamount | string | The rebate amount for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRebatepercent | string | The rebate percentage of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRebatetotal | string | The rebate amount total for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalTotal | string | The Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal total | |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalRepresentative | string | The amount of commission for the representative | [optional] |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalPartner | string | The amount of commission for the partner | [optional] |
DEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalNet | string | The net amount of the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | [optional] |
BEzmaxinvoicingsummaryglobalAdjustment | bool | Whether it is adjustment for the Ezmaxinvoicingsummaryglobal | |
TEzmaxproductHelpX | string | The help message of the Ezmaxproduct in the language of the requester |