A package that runs beneath web-microservice to enable basic authentication and authorization. Please note since this in context of IoT solutions, we consider devices too in addition to user accounts. While user accounts are email
based devices are serial
based. Devices dont use user credentials to identify/authenticate/authorize itself. Also users have to registered by admins while devices can register themselves.
When developing IoT solutions you would need
- User account management + authentication
- Device registration, authentication, blacklisting
- Authorization using web tokens - at basic level
This package will provide functions / interfaces to get that same done. Im expecting you would want to build a AuthAPI
microservice atop this package.
go get github.com/eensymachines-in/auth/v2
and v1.x.x
are shadowed out, and first stable version itself is v2.0.0
. We realised that the earlier stable builds are not much of use.
Hence I would recommend v2 onwards for your needs. Versions ahead of this would fork out on independent branches
User account has the fields
- password
- Name
- Phone
- Location
- Role - level
func (ua *UserAccounts) InsertAccount(u *UserAccDetails) error
When creating a new user account, you need to use the UserAccDetails
format. Email and passwords are checked for legitimacy, and also the email is unique.
- invalid password or email, does not meet the exectationsErrDuplicate
- if account with identical email is already registeredErrQuery
- if the operation of persisting an account itself fails.
func (ua *UserAccounts) RemoveAccount(email string) error
Removing user account, wiping the user account details from the persistance actually needs role elevation. Only admins should be doing this. But this has to be implemented on the API level, here there is no such restriction from this package. You need to supply the email (unique) to remove the account registration completely.
when the operation on the persistence database
func (ua *UserAccounts) UpdateAccPasswd(newUser *UserAcc) error
User account password can be updated using this feature. UserAcc
format and the same logic to check the password as in InertAccount
when the account itself is not found registeredErrInvalid
when the new password is invalidErrQuery
when the operation on the persisting database fails
Authenticating a user account
func (ua *UserAccounts) Authenticate(u *UserAcc) (bool, error)
Verification of the password for the account against the claim. The Claimed credentials are in the UserAcc
when the email, password is invalid or if the account is not registered itselfErrQuery
when querying the database itself failsErrLogin
when the password is mismatching
func (ua *UserAccounts) AccountDetails(email string) (*UserAccDetails, error)
You can fetch the account details sans the password with this command
when the email of the account details being requested is empty or invalid.ErrNotFound
when the account itself is not found registered
func (ua *UserAccounts) UpdateAccDetails(newDetails *UserAccDetails) error
Updating user account details except the password and email. Passwords can be updated only using UpdateAccPasswd
account is not registered at all.ErrQuery
when querying the database itself fails
Cache supports tokenizations and functions needed for the same are included in this package
cac := &TokenCache{Client: redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "serverip:6379",
Password: "", // no password set
DB: 0, // use default DB
rolling up a new TokenCache
from a redis Client is simple composition.
func (tc *TokenCache) Ping() error
Just to know if you are connected to the auth cache.
would mean the cache isnt connected
func (tc *TokenCache) TokenStatus(tok *JWTok) error
Helps you to query the status of the token in the cache
- will indicate the token has expiredErrCacheQuery
- failed cache gateway
func (tc *TokenCache) LoginUser(email string, role int, result *TokenPair) error
Used for authentication, and creation of server side session for each of the instance the user logs into. A single user can log into the same cache for multiple instances, since the token is UUID based.
- when the login has failed, and the cache was unreachable
func (tc *TokenCache) LogoutToken(tok *JWTok) error
What was created by the login will be erased by logout, logout happens a token at a time. This has more to do with the way tokens are sent over HTTP. Typically an API service will be expected to send 2 LogoutToken
requests to completely logout a single user
func (tc *TokenCache) RefreshUser(refr *JWTok, result *TokenPair) error
Using the refresh token a new authentication token can be re-generated. Authentication tokens are short lived, while Refresh tokens live a bit longer to help re-hydrate the authentication for an extended time.
Devices on the ground need to establish a handshake with the cloud endpoint, check for authorization and then can continue the tasks assigned on the ground. The microservice that establishes the handshake, verifies the device registration and then fallsout. This happens on every bootup. Incase the device is unverified and unauthorised it can indicate the main program to stop all its primary operations. Primary operations example : autolumin, aquaminder
Device registration happens only once and needs a user name - a user name thats already registered. Once the device is registered it can only authorize on the subsequent handshakes.
If the device registration is deleted, and the uuid
is blacklisted, it can no longer re-register itself. Registration is allowed only incase of no registration found and the serial is not banned.
- Uniquely identifies the device
- connects the device to user account
- lock status of the device
Admins can lock the device from cloud side, indicating the device needs to stop operations and not resume them for any subsequent boots The device can still work if offline, but upon the next boot the device will handshake the api to read the lock status to stop all the operations. Thereafter all the boots will be futile, and the main functionality will just quit