Code used for article: Co-dependent excitatory and inhibitory plasticity accounts for quick, stable and long-lasting memories in biological networks
Everton J. Agnes (1,2) and Tim P. Vogels (1,3)
1 - Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
2 - Biozentrum, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
3 - Institute for Science and Technology Austria, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Each folder contains the code to run simulations and generate figures. Currently six folders are accessible and shortly additional folders will be uploaded here.
Folder "voltage_STDP" for figure 2b
Folder "frequency_STDP" for figure 2c,e
Folder "distance_STDP" for figure 2h-j
Folder "EI_balance" for figure 4c,d
Folder "receptive_filed_plasticity" for figure 5
Folder "dendrites" for figure 6
Folder "recurrent/learning" for figure 7 (available soon)
Folder "recurrent/recall" for figure 8 (available soon)
The code is written to run on Intel Fortran compiler. Plots are generated with gnuplot. To run the code from this repository you need both Intel Fortran (ifx or ifort) and Gnuplot installed on a linux machine (not tested on Windows or iOS).
Figures in the original article were generated with gnuplot and edited with Inkscape.
If you have any questions, or found a bug, please contact me at everton (dot) agnes (at) gmail (dot) com