This submodule is an example implementation using the general other module alpha-zero-adversary-learning.
You should run the TicTacToe game main methods from this directory. The alpha zero learning files, model.bin and trainexamples.obj, are searched or created in the current game submodule directory.
If you download the generic release build without doing a local mvn build, your -cp classpath value needs to point to the correct location of the jar file with dependencies.
Change to the tic-tac-toe submodule directory and execute one of the following commands.
~/git/alpha-zero-learning/tic-tac-toe$ java -cp target/ch.evolutionsoft.rl.alphazero.tictactoe-1.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ch.evolutionsoft.rl.tictactoe.TicTacToeGamesMain
~/git/alpha-zero-learning/tic-tac-toe$ java -cp target/ch.evolutionsoft.rl.alphazero.tictactoe-1.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ch.evolutionsoft.rl.tictactoe.TicTacToeReinforcementLearningMain
By changing the continueIteration to true, you can continue a training progress. The latest model.bin and trainExamples.obj are loaded from the current directory
AdversaryLearningConfiguration adversaryLearningConfiguration =
new AdversaryLearningConfiguration.Builder().
And then after rebuilding with 'mvn package':
~/git/alpha-zero-learning/tic-tac-toe$ java -cp target/ch.evolutionsoft.rl.alphazero.tictactoe-1.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar ch.evolutionsoft.rl.tictactoe.TicTacToeReinforcementLearningMain
VertexName (VertexType) nIn,nOut TotalParams ParamsShape Vertex Inputs
input (InputVertex) -,- - - -
block1_conv1 (ConvolutionLayer) 3,7 84 W:{7,3,2,2} [input]
block1_conv1_bn (BatchNormalization) 7,7 28 gamma:{1,7}, beta:{1,7}, mean:{1,7}, log10stdev:{1,7} [block1_conv1]
block1_conv1_act (ActivationLayer) -,- 0 - [block1_conv1_bn]
block1_conv2 (ConvolutionLayer) 7,14 392 W:{14,7,2,2} [block1_conv1_act]
block1_conv2_bn (BatchNormalization) 14,14 56 gamma:{1,14}, beta:{1,14}, mean:{1,14}, log10stdev:{1,14} [block1_conv2]
block1_conv2_act (ActivationLayer) -,- 0 - [block1_conv2_bn]
residual1_conv (ConvolutionLayer) 14,14 784 W:{14,14,2,2} [block1_conv2_act]
block2_sepconv1 (SeparableConvolution2DLayer) 14,14 252 W:{1,14,2,2}, pW:{14,14,1,1} [block1_conv2_act]
residual1 (BatchNormalization) 14,14 56 gamma:{1,14}, beta:{1,14}, mean:{1,14}, log10stdev:{1,14} [residual1_conv]
block2_sepconv1_bn (BatchNormalization) 14,14 56 gamma:{1,14}, beta:{1,14}, mean:{1,14}, log10stdev:{1,14} [block2_sepconv1]
block2_sepconv1_act (ActivationLayer) -,- 0 - [block2_sepconv1_bn]
block2_sepconv2 (SeparableConvolution2DLayer) 14,14 252 W:{1,14,2,2}, pW:{14,14,1,1} [block2_sepconv1_act]
block2_sepconv2_bn (BatchNormalization) 14,14 56 gamma:{1,14}, beta:{1,14}, mean:{1,14}, log10stdev:{1,14} [block2_sepconv2]
block2_pool (SubsamplingLayer) -,- 0 - [block2_sepconv2_bn]
add1 (ElementWiseVertex) -,- - - [block2_pool, residual1]
policy_conv (SeparableConvolution2DLayer) 14,8 126 W:{1,14,1,1}, pW:{8,14,1,1} [add1]
value_conv (SeparableConvolution2DLayer) 14,2 42 W:{1,14,1,1}, pW:{2,14,1,1} [add1]
dense1 (DenseLayer) 72,32 2,336 W:{72,32}, b:{1,32} [policy_conv]
dense2 (DenseLayer) 18,16 304 W:{18,16}, b:{1,16} [value_conv]
OutputLayer (OutputLayer) 32,9 297 W:{32,9}, b:{1,9} [dense1]
OutputLayer_value (OutputLayer) 16,1 17 W:{16,1}, b:{1,1} [dense2]
Total Parameters: 5,138
Trainable Parameters: 5,138
Frozen Parameters: 0
learningRate: MapSchedule(scheduleType=ITERATION, values={0=0.001}, allKeysSorted=[0])
batch size: 8192
dirichletAlpha: 0.8
dirichletWeight: 0.4
numberOfAllAvailableMoves: 9
numberOfEpisodesBeforePotentialUpdate: 10
numberOfEpisodeThreads: 16
continueTraining: false
initialIteration: 1
numberOfIterations: 300
checkPointIterationsFrequency: 50
fromNumberOfIterationsReducedTemperature: -1
fromNumberOfMovesReducedTemperature: -1
reducedTemperature: 0.0
maxTrainExamplesHistory: 5000
maxTrainExamplesHistoryFromIteration: 0
currentMaxTrainExamplesHistory: 5000
cpUct: 1.5
numberOfMonteCarloSimulations: 25
modelFileName: /home/evolutionsoft/git/alpha-zero-learning/tic-tac-toe/model.bin
trainExamplesFileNames: /home/evolutionsoft/git/alpha-zero-learning/tic-tac-toe/trainExamples.obj
With the above configuration 300 iterations with 10 self play episodes take around 12 minutes on AMD Ryzen 3950 with an NVIDIA RTX A6000 and CUDA 11.4 support. After those 300 iterations ~4300 of 4520 play through examples from supervised learning are generated.
With 300 iterations the trained model holds the draw with any or almost any of the nine opening moves playing as first or as second player. Additionally enabling a small monte carlo search can make the model stronger.
For training only is necessary. Here two additional classes with main methods are provided. They help interpreting the progress of the performed alpha zero training.
There is no possibility to play against the alpha zero trained model as human yet.
With Tic Tac Toe as a special case, because the simplicity allows a full minimax search, there are generated labels from the supervised dl4j learning project. This evaluation is done after each iteration and shows also a learning progress. Alpha zero learns some same moves, but probably also find different correct moves.
========================Evaluation Metrics========================
# of classes: 9
Accuracy: 0.6659
Precision: 0.6901
Recall: 0.7667
F1 Score: 0.6974
Precision, recall & F1: macro-averaged (equally weighted avg. of 9 classes)
=========================Confusion Matrix=========================
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
531 66 128 52 303 74 125 67 151 | 0 = 0
2 228 7 6 53 6 19 2 16 | 1 = 1
3 2 384 13 72 8 14 16 14 | 2 = 2
1 1 0 208 51 5 4 4 15 | 3 = 3
9 2 4 0 586 5 17 11 20 | 4 = 4
1 0 0 1 12 210 10 8 2 | 5 = 5
1 3 6 0 24 3 340 5 13 | 6 = 6
4 0 2 1 15 0 1 190 2 | 7 = 7
1 2 3 1 18 1 2 0 333 | 8 = 8
Confusion matrix format: Actual (rowClass) predicted as (columnClass) N times
Play 3*9 games with all possible opening moves as X and O player, a total of 54 games.