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701 lines (512 loc) · 36.1 KB

File metadata and controls

701 lines (512 loc) · 36.1 KB

See :


# Provider register: Register the Azure Policy provider
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.PolicyInsights

az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Kubernetes
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ExtendedLocation

az provider show -n Microsoft.Kubernetes -o table
az provider show -n Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration -o table
az provider show -n Microsoft.ExtendedLocation -o table

Setup GKE Cluster

gcloud auth login $GKE_ACCOUNT
# sudo /home/$USER/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud components update

gcloud config list
gcloud config set account $GKE_ACCOUNT

GKE_PROJECT_ID="$GKE_PROJECT-$(uuidgen | cut -d '-' -f2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
gcloud projects create $GKE_PROJECT_ID --name $GKE_PROJECT --verbosity=info
gcloud projects list 
gcloud container clusters list --project $GKE_PROJECT_ID
gcloud config set project $GKE_PROJECT_ID
gcloud config list
# These flags are available to all commands: --account, --billing-project, --configuration, --flags-file, --flatten, --format, --help, --impersonate-service-account, --log-http, --project, --quiet, --trace-token, --user-output-enabled, --verbosity.

gcloud container get-server-config --zone $GKE_ZONE
export KUBECONFIG=gke-config

# You need to enable GKE API, see at
echo "You need to enable GKE API, see at$GKE_PROJECT_ID"
# ==> n1-standard-1 is too small
gcloud container clusters create $GKE_PROJECT --project $GKE_PROJECT_ID \
    --zone=$GKE_ZONE \
    --node-locations=$GKE_ZONE \
    --disk-type=pd-ssd \
    --disk-size=50GB \
    --machine-type=n2-standard-4 \
    --num-nodes=1 \
    --image-type ubuntu

# check at
# you may verified that 3 nodes have been created into the default nodepool, 1 per zone if you did create cluster with --zone europe-west4

gcloud container clusters list --project $GKE_PROJECT_ID
gcloud container clusters get-credentials $GKE_PROJECT --zone $GKE_ZONE

cat gke-config
k cluster-info
# Since we will have to change the context often from one cluster to another, we will merge all the contexts into one configuration and rename them.
# cp *-config ~/.kube
# KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/eks-config:$HOME/.kube/aks-config:$HOME/.kube/gke-config
# kubectl config view --merge --flatten > $HOME/.kube/config
# export KUBECONFIG=

k create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole cluster-admin \
  --user $(gcloud config get-value account)

# Deploy a dummy app
k create deployment hello-server
k expose deployment hello-server --type LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8080

k get pods
k get service hello-server -o wide

# #
gke_hello_svc_lb_ip=$(k get svc hello-server -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*].ip}")
echo "Test from your browser : http://$gke_hello_svc_lb_ip"

# clean-up
k delete deployment hello-server
k delete svc hello-server

Register to Azure Arc.



# Deploy Azure Arc Agents for Kubernetes using Helm 3, into the azure-arc namespace
az connectedk8s connect --name $azure_arc_gke --infrastructure gcp -l $location -g $gke_rg_name
k get crds
k get -n $azure_arc_ns
k describe config-agent-identity-request -n $azure_arc_ns

k get -n $azure_arc_ns
k describe clustermetadata -n $azure_arc_ns

# verify
az connectedk8s list --subscription $subId -o table
az connectedk8s list -g $gke_rg_name -o table # -c $azure_arc_gke --cluster-type connectedClusters 

# -o tsv is MANDATORY to remove quotes
azure_arc_gke_id=$(az connectedk8s show --name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name -o tsv --query id)

helm status azure-arc --namespace default 

# Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes deploys a few operators into the azure-arc namespace. You can view these deployments and pods here:
k get deploy,po -n $azure_arc_ns 
k get po -o=custom-columns='' -n $azure_arc_ns
k get po -l -n $azure_arc_ns
k get po -l -n $azure_arc_ns
k get po -l -n $azure_arc_ns
k get po -l -n $azure_arc_ns
k get po -l -n $azure_arc_ns

k logs -l -c config-agent -n $azure_arc_ns 

Enable GitOps on a connected cluster


Create Config for GitOps workflow

Fork this sample repo into your GitHub account

git clone $gitops_url

k create namespace $arc_gitops_namespace

# Will Flux delete resources when I remove them from git?
# Flux has an garbage collection feature, enabled by passing the command-line flag --sync-garbage-collection to fluxd
az k8s-configuration create --name $arc_config_name_gke --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters \
  --repository-url $gitops_url \
  --enable-helm-operator true \
  --helm-operator-params '--set helm.versions=v3' \
  --operator-namespace $arc_gitops_namespace \
  --operator-instance-name $arc_operator_instance_name_gke \
  --operator-type flux \
  --operator-params='--git-poll-interval=1m --sync-garbage-collection' \
  --scope cluster # namespace

az k8s-configuration list --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters
az k8s-configuration show --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --name $arc_config_name_gke -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters

repositoryPublicKey=$(az k8s-configuration show --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --name $arc_config_name_gke -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters --query 'repositoryPublicKey')
echo "repositoryPublicKey : " $repositoryPublicKey
echo "Add this Public Key to your GitHub Project Deploy Key and allow write access at$github_usr/arc-k8s-demo/settings/keys"

# notices the new Pending configuration
complianceState=$(az k8s-configuration show --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --name $arc_config_name_gke -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters --query 'complianceStatus.complianceState')
echo "Compliance State " : $complianceState

git_config=$(k get -n $arc_gitops_namespace -o jsonpath={.items[0]})
k describe $git_config -n $arc_gitops_namespace

k get po -L app=helm-operator -n $arc_gitops_namespace
k describe po gke-cluster-config-helm-gitops-helm-operator-c546b564b-glcf5 -n $arc_gitops_namespace | grep -i "image" # ==> Image:

Config Private repo

If you are using a private git repo, then you need to perform one more task to close the loop: you need to add the public key that was generated by flux as a Deploy key in the repo.

az k8s-configuration show --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --name $arc_config_name_gke -g $gke_rg_name --query 'repositoryPublicKey'

Validate the Kubernetes configuration

k get ns --show-labels
k -n team-a get cm -o yaml
k -n itops get all
k get ep -n gitops
k get events
flux_logs_agent_pod=$(k get po -l -n $azure_arc_ns -o jsonpath={.items[0]})
k logs $flux_logs_agent_pod -c flux-logs-agent -n $azure_arc_ns 
# az k8s-configuration delete --name '<config name>' -g '<resource group name>' --cluster-name '<cluster name>' --cluster-type connectedClusters
helm ls

# clean-up
k delete ns team-a
k delete ns team-b
k delete ns team-g
k delete ns itops
k delete deployment azure-vote-front
k delete deployment azure-vote-back
k delete svc azure-vote-back
k delete svc azure-vote-front

k delete svc hello-server

Deploy applications using Helm and GitOps

You can learn more about the HelmRelease in the official Helm Operator documentation


az k8s-configuration create --name "$arc_config_name_gke-azure-voting-app" --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name \
  --operator-instance-name "$arc_operator_instance_name_gke-azure-voting-app" \
  --operator-namespace prod \
  --enable-helm-operator \
  --helm-operator-version='0.6.0' \
  --helm-operator-params='--set helm.versions=v3' \
  --repository-url $gitops_helm_url \
  --operator-params='--git-readonly --git-path=releases/prod' \
  --scope namespace \
  --cluster-type connectedClusters

az k8s-configuration show --resource-group $gke_rg_name --name "$arc_config_name_gke-azure-voting-app" --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --cluster-type connectedClusters

repositoryPublicKey=$(az k8s-configuration show --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --name $arc_config_name_gke -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters --query 'repositoryPublicKey')
echo "repositoryPublicKey : " $repositoryPublicKey
echo "Add this Public Key to your GitHub Project Deploy Key and allow write access at$github_usr/arc-k8s-demo/settings/keys"

# notices the new Pending configuration
complianceState=$(az k8s-configuration show --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --name "$arc_config_name_gke-azure-voting-app" -g $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters --query 'complianceStatus.complianceState')
echo "Compliance State " : $complianceState

echo "If you forget to add the GitHub SSH Key, you will see in the GitOps pod the error below : "
echo "Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights nand the repository exists."

# troubleshooting: 
for pod in $(k get po -L app=helm-operator -n $arc_gitops_namespace
  if [[ "$pod"=~"^$arc_operator_instance_name_gke*" ]]
      echo "Verifying GitOps config Pod $pod"
      k logs $pod -n $arc_gitops_namespace | grep -i "Error"
      k logs $pod -n $arc_gitops_namespace | grep -i "Permission denied (publickey)"

# Verify the App
k get po -n prod

k top pods
k top node # verify CPU < 10%
k get events -A

for n in $(k get nodes
  k describe node $n # you verify if CPU request is around 100%

# When you create a Pod, the Kubernetes scheduler selects a node for the Pod to run on. Each node has a maximum capacity for each of the resource types: the amount of CPU and memory it can provide for Pods. The scheduler ensures that, for each resource type, the sum of the resource requests of the scheduled Containers is less than the capacity of the node. Note that although actual memory or CPU resource usage on nodes is very low, the scheduler still refuses to place a Pod on a node if the capacity check fails. This protects against a resource shortage on a node when resource usage later increases, for example, during a daily peak in request rate

# Yoy might see the vote-front-azure-vote-app Pod in PENDING status 
# FailedScheduling : 0/3 nodes are available: 3 Insufficient cpu
#   Limits:
#      cpu:  500m
#    Requests:
#      cpu:  250m


# GKE has a default LimitRange with default limits for CPU request set to 100m. GKE has a default LimitRange with default limits for CPU request set to 100m
# This limit is applied to every container
k get limitrange -o=yaml -n prod

# ^vote-front-azure-vote-app.*
for pod in $(k get po -l app=vote-front-azure-vote-app -n prod
  if [[ "$pod"="^vote-front-azure-vote-app*" ]] 
      echo "Verifying Pod $pod"
      k describe pod $pod -n prod
      k logs $pod -n prod | grep -i "Error"
      k exec $pod -n prod -it -- /bin/sh

k get svc/azure-vote-front -n prod -o yaml
k describe svc/azure-vote-front -n prod

# azure_vote_front_port=$(k get svc/azure-vote-front -n prod -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}")
# gcloud compute firewall-rules create test-node-port --allow tcp:node-port

azure_vote_front_url=$(k get svc/azure-vote-front -n prod -o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")

# Find the external IP address from the output above and open it in a browser.
echo "Open your brower to test the App at http://$azure_vote_front_url"

# Cleanup
az k8s-configuration delete --name "$arc_config_name_gke-azure-voting-app" --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --cluster-type connectedClusters -g $gke_rg_name
k delete ns prod

Use Azure Policy to enable GitOps on clusters at scale



az policy definition list | grep -i "kubernetes"  
az policy definition create --name "gke-gitops-enforcement"
                            --description "Ensure to deploy GitOps to Kubernetes cluster"
                            --display-name "gke-gitops-enforcement"
                            --params --git-poll-interval=1m

az policy assignment list -g $gke_rg_name -g $gke_rg_name

gitOpsAssignmentId=$(az policy assignment show --name xxx -g $gke_rg_name --query id)

# Create a remediation for a specific assignment
az policy remediation start ...
# Start-AzPolicyRemediation -Name 'myRemedation' -PolicyAssignmentId $gitOpsAssignmentId # '/subscriptions/${subId}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/${gitOpsAssignmentId}'

Monitor a connected cluster with Azure Monitor for containers

See :


See the doc

  • To enable and access the features in Azure Monitor for containers, at a minimum you need to be a member of the Azure Contributor role in the Azure subscription, and a member of the Log Analytics Contributor role of the Log Analytics workspace configured with Azure Monitor for containers.
  • You are a member of the Contributor role on the Azure Arc cluster resource.
  • To view the monitoring data, you are a member of the Log Analytics reader role permission with the Log Analytics workspace configured with Azure Monitor for containers.


/!\ IMPORTANT : The same analytics workspace is shared for all k8s clusters, do not recreate it if it was already created in previous use case.

az monitor log-analytics workspace list
az monitor log-analytics workspace create -n $analytics_workspace_name --location $location -g $gke_rg_name --verbose
az monitor log-analytics workspace list
az monitor log-analytics workspace show -n $analytics_workspace_name -g $gke_rg_name --verbose

export analytics_workspace_id=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show -n $analytics_workspace_name -g $gke_rg_name -o tsv --query id)
echo "analytics_workspace_id:" $analytics_workspace_id

# --query id ==> -o tsv is NECESSARY
export azureArc_gke_ClusterResourceId=$(az connectedk8s show -g $gke_rg_name --name $azure_arc_gke --query id -o tsv)

k config view --minify
k config get-contexts
export kubeContext="gke_"$GKE_PROJECT"_"$GKE_ZONE"_"$GKE_PROJECT #"<kubeContext name of your k8s cluster>"

# curl -o -L
# bash --resource-id $azureArc_gke_ClusterResourceId --workspace-id $analytics_workspace_id --kube-context $kubeContext

az k8s-extension create --name azuremonitor-containers --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --resource-group $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters --extension-type Microsoft.AzureMonitor.Containers --configuration-settings logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID=$analytics_workspace_id omsagent.resources.daemonset.limits.cpu=150m omsagent.resources.daemonset.limits.memory=600Mi omsagent.resources.deployment.limits.cpu=1 omsagent.resources.deployment.limits.memory=750Mi

az k8s-extension list --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --resource-group $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters 
azmon_extension_state=$(az k8s-extension show --name azuremonitor-containers --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --resource-group $gke_rg_name --cluster-type connectedClusters --query 'installState')
echo "Azure Monitor extension state: " $azmon_extension_state

Verify :

  • After you've enabled monitoring, it might take about 15 minutes before you can view health metrics for the cluster.
  • By default, the containerized agent collects the stdout/ stderr container logs of all the containers running in all the namespaces except kube-system. To configure container log collection specific to particular namespace or namespaces, review Container Insights agent configuration to configure desired data collection settings to your ConfigMap configurations file.
  • To learn how to stop monitoring your Arc enabled Kubernetes cluster with Azure Monitor for containers, see How to stop monitoring your hybrid cluster.

Manage Kubernetes policy within a connected cluster with Azure Policy for Kubernetes

See also :

The Kubernetes cluster must be version 1.14 or higher.


tenantId=$(az account show --query tenantId -o tsv)

az policy definition list | grep -i "kubernetes" | grep "displayName"

az role definition list | grep -i "Policy Insights Data Writer"  

az_policy_sp_password=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $appName-gke --role "Policy Insights Data Writer (Preview)" --scopes $azure_arc_gke_id --query password --output tsv)
# az_policy_sp_scope="/subscriptions/$subId/resourceGroups/$gke_rg_name/providers/Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/$azure_arc_gke"
# az_policy_sp_password=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $appName-gke --role "Policy Insights Data Writer (Preview)" --scopes $az_policy_sp_scope --query password --output tsv)

echo $az_policy_sp_password > az_policy_sp_password.txt
echo "Azure Policy Service Principal Password saved to ./az_policy_sp_password.txt IMPORTANT Keep your password ..." 
# az_policy_sp_password=`cat az_policy_sp_password.txt`
az_policy_sp_id=$(az ad sp show --id http://$appName-gke --query appId -o tsv)
#az_policy_sp_id=$(az ad sp list --all --query "[?appDisplayName=='${appName-gke}'].{appId:appId}" --output tsv)
#az_policy_sp_id=$(az ad sp list --show-mine --query "[?appDisplayName=='${appName-gke}'].{appId:appId}" --output tsv)
echo "Azure Policy Service Principal ID:" $az_policy_sp_id 
echo $az_policy_sp_id > az_policy_sp_id.txt
# az_policy_sp_id=`cat az_policy_sp_id.txt`
az ad sp show --id $az_policy_sp_id

# Policy Insights Data Writer : Role-ID 66bb4e9e-b016-4a94-8249-4c0511c2be84
# az role assignment create \
#     --role 66bb4e9e-b016-4a94-8249-4c0511c2be84 \
#     --assignee $az_policy_sp_id \
#    --scope /subscriptions/$subId

helm search repo azure-policy

# In below command, replace the following values with those gathered above.
#    <AzureArcClusterResourceId> with your Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes cluster resource Id. For example: /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<rg>/providers/Microsoft.Kubernetes/connectedClusters/<clusterName>
#    <ServicePrincipalAppId> with app Id of the service principal created during prerequisites.
#    <ServicePrincipalPassword> with password of the service principal created during prerequisites.
#    <ServicePrincipalTenantId> with tenant of the service principal created during prerequisites.
helm install azure-policy-addon azure-policy/azure-policy-addon-arc-clusters \
    --set azurepolicy.env.resourceid=$azureArc_gke_ClusterResourceId \
    --set azurepolicy.env.clientid=$az_policy_sp_id \
    --set azurepolicy.env.clientsecret=$az_policy_sp_password \
    --set azurepolicy.env.tenantid=$tenantId

helm ls
# azure-policy pod is installed in kube-system namespace
k get pods -n kube-system

# gatekeeper pod is installed in gatekeeper-system namespace
k get pods -n gatekeeper-system

# Get the Azure-Policy pod name installed in kube-system namespace
# -l app=azure-policy-webhook 
for pod in $(k get po -l app=azure-policy -n kube-system
  if [[ "$pod"="^azure-policy.*" ]]
      echo "Verifying Azure-Policy Pod $pod"
      k logs $pod -n kube-system | grep -i "denied by azurepolicy"

for pod in $(k get po -l -n gatekeeper-system
  if [[ "$pod"="^gatekeeper.*" ]]
      echo "Verifying GateKeeper Pod $pod"
      k logs $pod -n gatekeeper-system  | grep -i "denied admission"

Assign a built-in policy definition

Ex: "Preview: Do not allow privileged containers in Kubernetes cluster" By default, Docker containers are “unprivileged” and cannot, for example, run a Docker daemon inside a Docker container. This is because by default a container is not allowed to access any devices, but a “privileged” container is given access to all devices (see the documentation on cgroups devices).

When the operator executes docker run --privileged, Docker will enable access to all devices on the host as well as set some configuration in AppArmor or SELinux to allow the container nearly all the same access to the host as processes running outside containers on the host.

See also this blog

Wait for a few minutes and check the logs :

az policy assignment list

k get ns

for pod in $(k get po -l app=azure-policy -n kube-system
  if [[ "$pod"="^azure-policy.*" ]]
      echo "Verifying Azure-Policy Pod $pod"
      k logs $pod -n kube-system | grep -i "denied by azurepolicy"

for pod in $(k get po -l -n gatekeeper-system
  if [[ "$pod"="^gatekeeper.*" ]]
      echo "Verifying GateKeeper Pod $pod"
      k logs $pod -n gatekeeper-system  | grep -i "denied admission"

k get crds
# k get -n gatekeeper-system
# k describe -n gatekeeper-system

container_no_privilege_constraint=$(k get -n gatekeeper-system -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
k describe $container_no_privilege_constraint -n gatekeeper-system


# Try to deploy a "bad" Pod
k apply -f app/root-pod.yaml

# You should see the error below
Error from server ([denied by azurepolicy-container-no-privilege-dc2585889397ecb73d135643b3e0e0f2a6da54110d59e676c2286eac3c80dab5] Privileged container is not allowed: root-demo, securityContext: {"privileged": true}): error when creating "root-demo-pod.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: [denied by azurepolicy-container-no-privilege-dc2585889397ecb73d135643b3e0e0f2a6da54110d59e676c2286eac3c80dab5] Privileged container is not allowed: root-demo, securityContext: {"privileged": true}

Enforce threat protection using Azure Defender

See Defend Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes clusters running in on-premises and multi-cloud environments

Limitations Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes and the Azure Defender extension don't support managed Kubernetes offerings like Google Kubernetes Engine and Elastic Kubernetes Service

az k8s-extension create --name microsoft.azuredefender.kubernetes --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name --extension-type microsoft.azuredefender.kubernetes --config logAnalyticsWorkspaceResourceID=$analytics_workspace_id --config auditLogPath=/var/log/kube-apiserver/audit.log

# verify
az k8s-extension show --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name --name microsoft.azuredefender.kubernetes

kubectl get pods -n azuredefender

#test: he expected response is "No resource found".
# Within 30 minutes, Azure Defender will detect this activity and trigger a security alert.
kubectl get pods --namespace=asc-alerttest-662jfi039n

Deploy Arc enabled Open Service Mesh

See Azure Arc-enabled Open Service Mesh

Following Kubernetes distributions are currently supported

  • AKS Engine
  • Cluster API Azure
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Canonical Kubernetes Distribution
  • Rancher Kubernetes Engine
  • OpenShift Kubernetes Distribution
  • Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service

Azure Monitor integration with Azure Arc enabled Open Service Mesh is available with limited support.

export VERSION=0.8.4
export $CLUSTER_NAME=<arc-cluster-name>
export $RESOURCE_GROUP=<resource-group-name>

az k8s-extension create --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --cluster-type connectedClusters --extension-type Microsoft.openservicemesh --scope cluster --release-train pilot --name osm --version $VERSION

Deploy an Azure ML model to an Arc connected cluster


Create an App Service App on Azure Arc

See the docs :

Create and manage custom locations

az extension add --upgrade --yes --name customlocation
az extension remove --name appservice-kube
az extension add --yes --source ""

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $appName-appsvc --role "contributor" --scopes "/subscriptions/${subId}/resourceGroups/${gke_rg_name}" --query password --output tsv

# create an App.
az webapp create \
    --resource-group myResourceGroup \
    --name <app-name> \
    --custom-location $customLocationId \
    --runtime 'NODE|12-lts'

# Deploy a dummy App.
git clone
cd nodejs-docs-hello-world
zip -r .
az webapp deployment source config-zip --resource-group myResourceGroup --name <app-name> --src

# Get diagnostic logs using Log Analytics
let StartTime = ago(72h);
let EndTime = now();
| where TimeGenerated between (StartTime .. EndTime)
| where AppName_s =~ "<app-name>"

# Deploy a custom container
az webapp create 
    --resource-group myResourceGroup \
    --name <app-name> \
    --custom-location $customLocationId \

IoT Edge workloads integration



See Azure Arc doc


export KUBECONFIG=gke-config
k config view --minify
k config get-contexts

export kubeContext="gke_"$GKE_PROJECT_ID"_"$GKE_ZONE"_"$GKE_PROJECT
k config use-context $kubeContext

helm uninstall azure-policy-addon

# curl -o -L
# bash --resource-id $azureArc_gke_ClusterResourceId --kube-context $kubeContext
# az monitor log-analytics workspace delete --workspace-name $analytics_workspace_name -g $gke_rg_name
az k8s-extension delete --name azuremonitor-containers --cluster-type connectedClusters --cluster-name $gke_cluster_name  -g $gke_rg_name

az k8s-configuration delete --name "$arc_config_name_gke-azure-voting-app" --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --cluster-type connectedClusters -g $gke_rg_name -y
az k8s-configuration delete --name $arc_config_name_gke --cluster-name $azure_arc_gke --cluster-type connectedClusters -g $gke_rg_name -y

az policy definition delete --name "gke-gitops-enforcement" -g $gke_rg_name
az policy assignment delete --name xxx -g $gke_rg_name

az connectedk8s delete --name $azure_arc_gke -g $gke_rg_name -y

gcloud container clusters delete $GKE_PROJECT --project $GKE_PROJECT_ID --zone=$GKE_ZONE -Y # --node-locations=$GKE_ZONE 
gcloud projects delete $GKE_PROJECT_ID --name $GKE_PROJECT --verbosity=info -Y