An architecture decision is a software design choice that evaluates:
- a functional requirement (features).
- a non-functional requirement (technologies, methodologies, libraries).
The purpose is to understand the reasons behind the current architecture, so they can be carried-on or re-visited in the future.
A Fairlie articulated steam locomotive with driving wheels on bogies crossing a wooden bridge over a river. The locomotive is black with red stripes and has a large smokestack. The bridge has wooden beams and railings. The river is blue and reflects the sky. In the background, there are snow-capped mountains in a Japanese manga style. The drawing is in black and white with high contrast and dynamic lines.
An image divided into two rectangles that each contains a railway track seen from above (bird eye view). The first rectangle represents a single track. The second rectangle represents one track that splits into two. The image is a technical drawing made by an architect, ery few colors, very simplified and stylised.
- Railway oriented programming: A functional approach to the execution of functions sequentially, where each function can only return either a success or a failure. The success case leads to the next function, while the failure case bypasses the rest of the functions and goes to the error track.
- Result type: A type that represents either a success value or a
failure value. In F#, it is defined as
type Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure> = | Success of 'TSuccess | Failure of 'TFailure
. - Switch function: A function that has one input and a success/failure output. It can be seen as a railway switch that directs the input to either the success track or the failure track.
- Bind function: A function that connects two switch functions
together, passing the success output of the first function to the input
of the second function, and propagating the failure output to the error
track. In F#, it is defined as
let bind switchFunction input = match input with | Success s -> switchFunction s | Failure f -> Failure f
. - Compose function: A function that creates a new switch function by
combining two switch functions using bind². In F#, it is defined as
let compose switchFunction1 switchFunction2 input = bind switchFunction2 (switchFunction1 input)
. - Bypass function: A function that allows a switch function to be
skipped in case of a failure output from a previous function. In F#, it
is defined as
let bypass switchFunction input = match input with | Success s -> Success s | Failure f -> switchFunction f
. - Recover function: A function that allows a failure output to be
converted into a success output, thus moving from the error track to
the success track. In F#, it is defined as
let recover recoveryFunction input = match input with | Success s -> Success s | Failure f -> recoveryFunction f