- Environment installation
- Start working on a project
- EditorConfig
- Create an integration record.
- Generate SASS helpers documentation
- Manage Tokens
- Node versions for SuiteCommerce
- Gulp commands
- MacOS command lines
Install Node Package Manager (nvm) to work with different versions of Node.
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash
Install Gulp.js globally
npm install --global gulp
Install the version of node that you need depending of the version of SuiteCommerce
nvm install 14.19.0
Use the version of node that you need depending of the version of SuiteCommerce
nvm use 14.19.0
Clone this repository template locally, then publish it wherever you like (Github, Bitbucket, etc.)
git clone https://github.com/NicolasGrimonpont/SuiteCommerce-Template.git
Download the ThemeDevelopmentTools or ExtensionDevelopmentTools from your NetSuite account
In your DevTools folder, install the node packages with the corresponding node version
nvm 14.19.0 npm install
Fecth your the theme or extensions installed on the NetSuite account
gulp theme:fetch gulp extension:fetch
Run the project locally
gulp theme:local gulp extension:local
Deploy your changes
gulp theme:deploy --reactivate gulp extension:deploy --reactivate
To work in the same way with each team member, if you use vscode, please install this extension. This extension will take the settings in the .editorconfig file and use them, no matter what settings you have in your editor.
If you're using webstorm, phpstorm, etc., this file will be taken into account by the editor by default.
Name: EditorConfig for VS Code
Id: EditorConfig.EditorConfig
Description: EditorConfig Support for Visual Studio Code
Publisher: EditorConfig
VS Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EditorConfig.EditorConfig
Go to Setup > Integration > Integration Management > Manage Integrations > New
- In the Name field, enter a name for the integration record.
- In the State field, select Enabled.
- Check the Token-Based Authentication box.
- Check the TBA: Authorization Flow box.
- In the Callback URL field, enter: http://localhost:7777/tba.
- Clear the Authorization Code Grant box.
- Check the User Credentials box.
- Save the integration. Be sure to save the consumer key/secret before closing the page.
- Copy and paste the consumer key/secret in the .env file.
This feature currently don't work (work in progress).
Install SassDoc globally on your computer if you haven't done so before.
npm install sassdoc -g
Inside your DevTools folder, execute this command
. '/Users/home/Documents/Bitbucket/axessorize-sca-theme/Scripts/generate_sassdoc.sh'
The tokens are store in your computer user like hidden file (ex: "/Users/home/.nstba") where "home" will be your username of the computer.
To show all the netsuite tokens in your computer:
sudo cat /Users/home/.nstba
To remove all the tokens:
sudo rm /Users/home/.nstba
To open this file on your editor (GUI):
sudo open /Users/home/.nstba
To open this file on your editor (Command lines):
sudo nano /Users/home/.nstba
Commerce Web Store Implementation | Supported Node.js Versions |
SuiteCommerce | 14.19.0 |
SuiteCommerce MyAccount | 14.19.0 |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2022.2.1 | 14.19.0 |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2022.2 | 12.21.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2022.1 | 12.21.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2021.2 | 12.21.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2021.1 | 12.21.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2020.2 | 12.16.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2020.1 | 12.14.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2019.2 | 10.16.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2019.1 | 10.15.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — 2018.2 | 8.11.4 |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — Aconcagua | 8.9.x LTS |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — Kilimanjaro | 6.11.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — Elbrus | 4.x.x LTS and Later |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — Vinson | 4.x.x LTS |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — Mont Blanc | 4.4.x and 0.12.x |
SuiteCommerce Advanced — Denali | 0.12.x |
For more information about this commands, please read the online documentation:
gulp theme:update-manifest
gulp theme:local
gulp theme:local --preserve-manifest
gulp theme:fetch
gulp theme:fetch --to
gulp theme:deploy
gulp theme:deploy --to
gulp theme:deploy --reactivate
gulp theme:deploy --update
gulp theme:deploy --reactivate --update
gulp theme:deploy --preserve-manifest
gulp theme:deploy --skip-compilation
gulp theme:deploy --source templates
gulp theme:deploy --source sass
gulp theme:deploy --source assets
gulp theme:deploy --source skins
gulp reactivate
gulp reactivate --async
gulp reactivate --update
gulp clear
gulp extension:update-manifest
gulp extension:local
gulp extension:local --preserve-manifest
gulp extension:fetch
gulp extension:fetch --to
gulp extension:deploy
gulp extension:deploy --to
gulp extension:deploy --reactivate
gulp extension:deploy --update
gulp extension:deploy --reactivate --update
gulp extension:deploy --preserve-manifest
gulp extension:deploy --skip-compilation
gulp extension:deploy --source templates
gulp extension:deploy --source sass
gulp extension:deploy --source assets
gulp extension:deploy --source skins
gulp reactivate
gulp reactivate --async
gulp reactivate --update
gulp clear
ls (list files by default)
ls -1 (list files, one column)
ls -all (list files, all information)
mkdir directory (create directory)
rm -R directory (remove directory)
touch file.txt (create file)
rm file.txt (remove file)
cat file.txt (read content)
cp file.txt file2txt (copy)
mv file.txt file2txt (move)
sudo !! (repeat last command like root)
clear (clear screen)
CTRL + L (clear screen)
pwd (actual route)
history | grep something (search in history)
top (activity monitor)
locate finder (search)
locate updatedb
whereis dash (search bin)
sudo lsof -ti :7777 | xargs kill
This needs to change some of the system files and requires at least macOS Sonoma to be done permanently.
Duplicate the new original file system template from Sonoma to create a new file:
sudo cp /etc/pam.d/sudo_local.template /etc/pam.d/sudo_local
Then, remove the comment on the last line of the file:
sudo nano /etc/pam.d/sudo_local (and remove last line comment)