This is a Todo List application built with a MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Vue3, Node.js). The app allows users to create, manage, and organize their todo tasks.
M - MongoDB
E - Express
V - Vue3
N - Node js
- User registration and login
- Create, update, and delete todo tasks
- Mark tasks as completed
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop devices
- Frontend: Vue3, Vuex, Vue Router, Axios
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose
- Authentication: JSON Web Tokens (JWT), bcrypt
- Deployment: Vercel
Node.js & MongoDB Atlas account (for database)
- Clone the repository:
``` git clone ``` - Navigate to the directory: ``` cd todo-app ```
- Open VS Code: ``` code . ```
- client: ``` cd client ```
- install dependencies: ``` npm install ```
- Start Client: ``` npm run serve ```
- Server: open new terminal and cd to server directory ``` cd server ```
- install dependencies: ``` npm install ```
- Set Environment Variables (.env): ``` TOKEN=`YOUR JWT TOKEN` MONGO_DB_URL=`Your MongoDB Atlas Url` ```
- Start Server: ``` npm run dev ```
Client: Deploy the client app to Vercel or your preferred hosting service.
Server: Deploy the server app to Vercel or your preferred hosting service.